Information for new members of the TESS Asteroseismic Science Consortium

TASC is a large and unique scientific collaboration formed around the high quality TESS data. In contains more than 500 scientists from all over the world. TASC maintains a database (TASOC) with TESS data in several data formats as well as processed and analysed data.
Collaboration within TASC contains a well-defined publication strategy and a well-defined boundary for collaborations. The working group structure is an optimized collaborative structure and initiate collaboration between many individual researchers and research groups around the world. Postdocs and PhD-students will via KASC find an easy and direct way to take part in collaborations.
The TASC ensures coordination between WGs and coordination of ground-based follow-up, public outreach etc.
Note that:
- It is important that new TASC members read the document on "TASC Strategies and Policies" (SAC/TESS/0003).
- All TASC members have unrestricted access to all TASC-data. Access is password controlled and data downloads are logged.
- TASC is based on collaboration and we expect that all members that contribute significantly to a given data set (analysis, modelling, ground-based follow-up etc.) should have the possibility to be on publications related to that given data set. Decisions on authorship will take place at the WG-level and we encourage collaboration.
- All data are public and the WG-publication guidelines need to ensure that TASC-membership is a benefit compared to non-TASC members.
- There is no formal approval of papers. Papers can be submitted at any time but any paper should go through an open TASC review before it is submitted to a journal.
The procedure for accepting new members contains the following steps:
- New members will need to register via the TASOC webpage (See below).
We require that members of TASC follow the policies and strategies as described in TASC Strategies and Policies (SAC/TESS/0003). - During registration you will need to sign-up for membership of one og more of the TASC working groups or coordinated activities:
- WG-1: Asteroseismology of TESS exoplanet hostsChairs: Bill Chaplin, Daniel Huber.
- WG-2: Oscillations in solar-type starsChairs: Thierry Appourchaux, Bill Chaplin.
- WG-3: Oscillating stars in clustersChairs: Sarbani Basu, Saskia Hekker.
- WG-4: Main Sequence AF "classical" pulsatorsChairs: Victoria Antoci, Margarida Cunha.
- WG-5: Main Sequence OB "classical" pulsatorsChairs: Peter De Cat, Gerald Handler.
- WG-6: RR Lyrae stars and CepheidsChairs: Katrien Kolenberg, Robert Szabo.
- WG-7: Red Giant oscillationsChairs: Victor Aguirre Børsen-Koch, Dennis Stello.
- WG-8: Compact pulsatorsChairs: Stephane Charpinet, JJ Hermes.
- TESS Data for AsteroseismologyChairs: Derek Buzasi, Rasmus Handberg.
- TASC-GI CoordinationChairs: Daniel Huber, Marc Pinsonneault.
- Ground-based coordinationChairs: Marc Pinsonneault, Andrew Tkachenko.
- WG-1: Asteroseismology of TESS exoplanet hosts
- After registration you will get access to the password-protected section of the TASOC website. You will also be contacted by the WG-chair(s) of the relevant working group(s) with the aim of discuss the coordination of work within the WG's.
Any questions regarding the above procedures or the TASC policies, can be directed to Hans Kjeldsen (hans@phys.au.dk).