command line utility

Create movie of FFIs and extracted backgrounds.

This program will create a MP4 movie file with an animation of the extracted backgrounds and flags from an HDF5 file created by the photometry pipeline.

This program requires the program FFmpeg to be installed.


To create a MP4 movie for a specific file, run the program with the HDF5 file as input:

>>> python path/to/file/sector01_camera1_ccd1.hdf5


To create movies of all HDF5 files in a given directory, simply pass the the path to the directory as the input:

>>> python path/to/directory/


If you wish to change the the frame-rate or the size of the generated movie, you can use the fps and dpi settings:

>>> python --fps=15 --dpi=100 file.hdf5


Multiple files can be processed at a time. Default behavior is to process them one at a time, but can also be processed in parallel by specifying the number of processes to run vis the --jobs option:

>>> python --jobs=2 file1.hdf5 file2.hdf5

If number of processes is set to zero (--jobs=0), the number of processes will be set to the number of available CPUs.

Code author: Rasmus Handberg <>

Command help

usage: [-h] [-d] [-q] [-o] [-j JOBS] [--fps FPS] [--dpi DPI]
                       [--sector SECTOR]
                       files [files ...]

Create movies of TESS cameras.

positional arguments:
  files                 Directory or HDF5 file to create movie from.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d, --debug           Print debug messages.
  -q, --quiet           Only report warnings and errors.
  -o, --overwrite       Overwrite existing files.
  -j JOBS, --jobs JOBS  Maximal number of jobs to run in parallel.

Movie settings:
  --fps FPS             Frames per second of generated movie.
  --dpi DPI             DPI of generated movie.

Filter which FFIs to process:
  --sector SECTOR       TESS Sector. Default is to run all sectors.