Task Manager (photometry.TaskManager)

A TaskManager which keeps track of which targets to process.

Code author: Rasmus Handberg <rasmush@phys.au.dk>

class photometry.taskmanager.TaskManager(todo_file, cleanup=False, overwrite=False, cleanup_constraints=None, summary=None, summary_interval=200, load_into_memory=False, backup_interval=10000)[source]

A TaskManager which keeps track of which targets to process.

__init__(todo_file, cleanup=False, overwrite=False, cleanup_constraints=None, summary=None, summary_interval=200, load_into_memory=False, backup_interval=10000)[source]

Initialize the TaskManager which keeps track of which targets to process.

  • todo_file (string) – Path to the TODO-file.

  • cleanup (boolean, optional) – Perform cleanup/optimization of TODO-file before during initialization. Default=False.

  • overwrite (boolean, optional) – Restart calculation from the beginning, discarding any previous results. Default=False.

  • cleanup_constraints (dict, optional) – Dict of constraint for cleanup of the status of previous correction runs. If not specified, all bad results are cleaned up.

  • summary (string, optional) – Path to file where to periodically write a progress summary. The output file will be in JSON format. Default=None.

  • summary_interval (int, optional) – Interval at which summary file is updated. Setting this to 1 will mean writing the file after every tasks completes. Default=100.


FileNotFoundError – If TODO-file could not be found.

Code author: Rasmus Handberg <rasmush@phys.au.dk>


Save backup of todo-file to disk. This only has an effect when load_into_memory is enabled.

Code author: Rasmus Handberg <rasmush@phys.au.dk>


Close TaskManager and all associated objects.


Get number of tasks due to be processed.


**kwarg – Keyword arguments are passed to build_constraints().


Number of tasks due to be processed.

Return type:



Get random task to be processed.


Dictionary of settings for task.

Return type:

dict or None


Get next task to be processed.


**kwarg – Keyword arguments are passed to build_constraints().


Dictionary of settings for task.

Return type:

dict or None


Save results and diagnostics. This will update the TODO list.


results (dict) – Dictionary of results and diagnostics.


Mark a task as STARTED in the TODO-list.


taskid (int) – ID (priority) of the task to be marked as STARTED.


Write summary of progress to file. The summary file will be in JSON format.

photometry.taskmanager.build_constraints(priority=None, starid=None, sector=None, cadence=None, camera=None, ccd=None, cbv_area=None, datasource=None, tmag_min=None, tmag_max=None, return_list=False)[source]

Build constraints for database query from given parameters.

For tmag_min and tmag_max constraints, these limits are put on the primary target for all secondary targets. This means that a faint target will still be processed if it is in the TPF of a bright target. This is because this constraint is primarily used for processing bright targets separately since these require more memory.

  • priority (int, optional) – Only return task matching this priority.

  • starid (int, optional) – Only return tasks matching this starid.

  • sector (int, optional) – Only return tasks matching this Sector.

  • cadence (int, optional) – Only return tasks matching this cadence.

  • camera (int, optional) – Only return tasks matching this camera.

  • ccd (int, optional) – Only return tasks matching this CCD.

  • cbv_area (int, optional) – Only return tasks matching this CBV-AREA.

  • datasource (str, optional) – Only return tasks from this datasource. Choises are 'tpf' and 'ffi'.

  • tmag_min (float, optional) – Lower/bright limit on Tmag.

  • tmag_max (float, optional) – Upper/faint limit on Tmag.


List of strings containing constraints for database. The constraints should be

joined with “AND” to have the desired effect.

Return type:


Code author: Rasmus Handberg <rasmush@phys.au.dk>