Source code for starclass.training_sets.training_set

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Training Sets.

.. codeauthor:: Rasmus Handberg <>

import numpy as np
from bottleneck import nanvar
import os
import requests
import zipfile
import shutil
import logging
import sqlite3
from contextlib import closing
from astropy.table import Table
from tqdm import tqdm
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split, StratifiedKFold
from .. import BaseClassifier, TaskManager, utilities, io
from ..StellarClasses import StellarClassesLevel1, StellarClassesLevel2
from ..todolist import todolist_structure, todolist_insert, todolist_cleanup

[docs] class TrainingSet(object): """ Generic Training Set. Attributes: key (str): Unique identifier for training set. linfit (bool): Indicating if linfit mechanism is enabled. testfraction (float): Test-fraction. StellarClasses (enum): Enum of the classes associated with this training set. random_seed (int): Random seed in use. features_cache (str): Path to directory where cache of extracted features is being stored. train_idx (ndarray): test_idx (ndarray): crossval_folds (int): Number of cross-validation folds the training set has been split into. If ``0`` the training set has not been split. fold (int): The current cross-validation fold. This is ``0`` in the original training set. """ # Name of the TODO-file used by this training set: _todo_name = 'todo'
[docs] def __init__(self, level='L1', datalevel='corr', tf=0.0, linfit=False, random_seed=42): """ Initialize TrainingSet. Parameters: level (str): Level of the classification. Choises are ``'L1'`` and ``'L2'``. Default is level 1. tf (float): Test-fraction. Default=0. linfit (bool): Should linfit be enabled for the trainingset? If ``linfit`` is enabled, lightcurves will be detrended using a linear trend before passed on to have frequencies extracted. See :meth:`BaseClassifier.calc_features` for details. random_seed (int): Random seed. Default=42. datalevel (str): Deprecated. .. codeauthor:: Rasmus Handberg <> """ if not hasattr(self, 'key'): raise RuntimeError("Training set class does not have 'key' definied.") # pragma: no cover # Basic checks of input: if level not in ('L1', 'L2'): raise ValueError("Invalid LEVEL") if tf < 0 or tf >= 1: raise ValueError("Invalid TESTFRACTION provided.") if datalevel not in ('corr', 'raw', 'clean'): raise ValueError("Invalid DATALEVEL provided.") # Store input: self.level = level self.datalevel = datalevel self.testfraction = tf self.random_seed = random_seed self.linfit = linfit # Assign StellarClasses Enum depending on # the classification level we are running: if not hasattr(self, 'StellarClasses'): self.StellarClasses = { 'L1': StellarClassesLevel1, 'L2': StellarClassesLevel2 }[self.level] # Define cache location where we will save common features: features_cache_name = 'features_cache_' + self.datalevel if self.linfit: self.key += '-linfit' self._todo_name += '-linfit' features_cache_name += '_linfit' self.features_cache = os.path.join(self.input_folder, features_cache_name) os.makedirs(self.features_cache, exist_ok=True) # Generate TODO file if it is needed: self.todo_file = os.path.join(self.input_folder, self._todo_name + '.sqlite') if not os.path.isfile(self.todo_file): self.generate_todolist() # Create in-memory TaskManager connected to this todo-file: = None self.reload() # Make sure we have a "modern" version of the trainingset built:"PRAGMA table_info(todolist);") columns = [col['name'] for col in] if 'starclass' not in columns: # pragma: no cover self.close() raise RuntimeError("Please re-download the training-set using 'run_download_cache'.") # Count the number of objects in trainingset:"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM starclass_todolist;") self.nobjects = int([0]) # Pull in the full list of known labels to be used in training:"SELECT starclass FROM todolist ORDER BY priority;") self._lookup = [] for row in lbls = [self.StellarClasses[lbl.strip()] for lbl in row['starclass'].split(';')] self._lookup.append(tuple(set(lbls))) # Basic sanity check: if len(self._lookup) != self.nobjects: # pragma: no cover self.close() raise RuntimeError("Inconsistency detected in number of labels.") # pragma: no cover # Generate training/test indices # Define here because it is needed by self.labels() used below self.train_idx = np.arange(self.nobjects, dtype=int) self.test_idx = np.array([], dtype=int) if self.testfraction > 0: self.train_idx, self.test_idx = train_test_split( self.train_idx, test_size=self.testfraction, random_state=self.random_seed, stratify=self.labels() # [lbl[0].name for lbl in self.labels()] ) # Cross Validation self.fold = 0 self.crossval_folds = 0 self.fake_metaclassifier = False
[docs] def reload(self): """Reload in-memory TaskManager connected to TrainingSet todo-file.""" # First make sure we properly close any previously loaded TaskManager: if is not None: # Create a new in-memory TaskManager: # Make sure overwrite=False, or else previous results will be deleted, # meaning there would be no results for the MetaClassifier to work with = TaskManager(self.todo_file, classes=self.StellarClasses, load_into_memory=True, overwrite=False, cleanup=False, backup_interval=None) # This is a hack to make sure the todo-file is not overwritten # when the TrainingSet is closed, because the TaskManager will # otherwise try to overwrite it: = False
[docs] def close(self): if hasattr(self, 'tm') and is not None:
#---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __del__(self): self.close() #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __exit__(self, *args): self.close() #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __enter__(self): return self #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __str__(self): str_fold = '' if self.fold == 0 else f', fold={self.fold:d}/{self.crossval_folds:d}' return f"<TrainingSet({self.key:s}, {self.datalevel:s}, tf={self.testfraction:.2f}{str_fold:s})>" #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __len__(self): return len(self.train_idx) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def folds(self, n_splits=5): """ Split training set object into stratified folds. Parameters: n_splits (int, optional): Number of folds to split training set into. Default=5. Returns: Iterator of :class:`TrainingSet` objects: Iterator of folds, which are also :class:`TrainingSet` objects. """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # FIXME: Use BaseClassifier.parse_labels labels_test = [lbl[0].value for lbl in self.labels()] # If keyword is true then split according to KFold cross-validation skf = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=n_splits, random_state=self.random_seed, shuffle=True) skf_splits = skf.split(self.train_idx, labels_test) # We are doing cross-validation, so we will return a copy # of the training-set where we have redefined the training- and test- # sets from the folding: for fold, (train_idx, test_idx) in enumerate(skf_splits): # Write some debug information: logger.debug("Fold %d: Training set=%d, Test set=%d", fold+1, len(train_idx), len(test_idx)) # Set tf to be zero here so the training set isn't further split # as want to run all the data through CV newtset = self.__class__( level=self.level, datalevel=self.datalevel, linfit=self.linfit, random_seed=self.random_seed, tf=0.0) # Transfer settings not set during initialization: newtset.fake_metaclassifier = self.fake_metaclassifier # Set testfraction to value from CV i.e. 1/n_splits newtset.testfraction = 1/n_splits newtset.train_idx = self.train_idx[train_idx] newtset.test_idx = self.train_idx[test_idx] newtset.crossval_folds = n_splits newtset.fold = fold + 1 yield newtset
[docs] @classmethod def find_input_folder(cls): """ Find the folder containing the data for the training set. This is a class method, so it can be called without having to initialize the training set. """ if not hasattr(cls, 'key'): raise RuntimeError("Training set class does not have 'key' definied.") # pragma: no cover # Point this to the directory where the training set data are stored INPUT_DIR = os.environ.get('STARCLASS_TSETS') if INPUT_DIR is None: INPUT_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data') elif not os.path.exists(INPUT_DIR) or not os.path.isdir(INPUT_DIR): raise IOError("The environment variable STARCLASS_TSETS is set, but points to a non-existent directory.") datadir = cls.key if not hasattr(cls, 'datadir') else cls.datadir return os.path.join(INPUT_DIR, datadir)
[docs] def tset_datadir(self, url): """ Setup TrainingSet data directory. If the directory doesn't already exist, Parameters: url (string): URL from where to download the training-set if it doesn't already exist. Returns: string: Path to directory where training set is stored. .. codeauthor:: Rasmus Handberg <> """ if not hasattr(self, 'key'): raise RuntimeError("Training set class does not have 'key' definied.") # pragma: no cover logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) tqdm_settings = { 'unit': 'B', 'unit_scale': True, 'unit_divisor': 1024, 'disable': None if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO) else True } # Find folder where training set is stored: input_folder = self.find_input_folder() if not os.path.exists(input_folder):"Step 1: Downloading %s training set...", self.key) zip_tmp = os.path.join(input_folder, self.key + '.zip') try: os.makedirs(input_folder) res = requests.get(url, stream=True) res.raise_for_status() total_size = int(res.headers.get('content-length', 0)) block_size = 1024 with tqdm(total=total_size, **tqdm_settings) as pbar: with open(zip_tmp, 'wb') as fid: for data in res.iter_content(block_size): datasize = fid.write(data) pbar.update(datasize) # Extract ZIP file:"Step 2: Unpacking %s training set...", self.key) with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_tmp, 'r') as myzip: for fileName in tqdm(myzip.namelist(), disable=None if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO) else True): myzip.extract(fileName, input_folder) except: # noqa: E722, pragma: no cover if os.path.exists(input_folder): shutil.rmtree(input_folder) raise finally: if os.path.exists(zip_tmp): os.remove(zip_tmp) return input_folder
[docs] def load_targets(self): starlist_file = os.path.join(self.input_folder, 'targets.ecsv') starlist =, format='ascii.ecsv') return starlist
[docs] def generate_todolist(self): """ Generate todo.sqlite file in training set directory. .. codeauthor:: Rasmus Handberg <> """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)"Step 3: Reading file and extracting information...") starlist = self.load_targets() # Set of names of stellar classes to perform checks: classnames = set( for item in self.StellarClasses) colnames = set(starlist.colnames) try: with closing(sqlite3.connect(self.todo_file)) as conn: conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row cursor = conn.cursor() # Create the basic file structure of a TODO-list: todolist_structure(conn) cursor.execute("ALTER TABLE todolist ADD COLUMN starclass TEXT;") conn.commit() for k, star in tqdm(enumerate(starlist), total=len(starlist)): # Get starid: starname = star['starname'] starclass = star['starclass'] if 'starid' in colnames: starid = star['starid'] elif starname.startswith('constant_'): starid = -10000 - int(starname[9:]) elif starname.startswith('fakerrlyr_'): starid = -20000 - int(starname[10:]) else: starid = int(starname) starname = '{0:09d}'.format(starid) # Make sure that the provided class names are valid: for cl in starclass.split(';'): if cl not in classnames: raise RuntimeError(f"'{starclass:s}' is not a valid classification class") # pragma: no cover # Path to lightcurve: if 'lightcurve' in colnames: lightcurve = star['lightcurve'] else: lightcurve = starclass + '/' + starname + '.txt' # Check that the file actually exists: if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.input_folder, lightcurve)): raise FileNotFoundError(lightcurve) # pragma: no cover # Load diagnostics from file, to speed up the process: variance = star['variance'] if 'variance' in colnames else None rms_hour = star['rms_hour'] if 'rms_hour' in colnames else None ptp = star['ptp'] if 'ptp' in colnames else None tmag = star['tmag'] if 'tmag' in colnames else None if variance is None or rms_hour is None or ptp is None: # Load the lightcurve using the load_lightcurve method. # This will ensure that the lightcurve can actually be read by the system. lc = io.load_lightcurve(os.path.join(self.input_folder, lightcurve)) variance = nanvar(lc.flux, ddof=1) rms_hour = utilities.rms_timescale(lc) ptp = utilities.ptp(lc) #if datasource is None: # if (lc.time[1] - lc.time[0])*86400 > 1000: # datasource = 'ffi' # else: # datasource = 'tpf' elaptime = np.random.normal(3.14, 0.5) todolist_insert(cursor, priority=k+1, starid=starid, lightcurve=lightcurve, datasource='ffi', variance=variance, rms_hour=rms_hour, ptp=ptp, elaptime=elaptime, tmag=tmag) cursor.execute("UPDATE todolist SET starclass=? WHERE priority=?;", [ starclass, k+1 ]) conn.commit() todolist_cleanup(conn, cursor) cursor.close() except: # noqa: E722, pragma: no cover if os.path.exists(self.todo_file): os.remove(self.todo_file) raise"%s training set successfully built.", self.key)
[docs] def features(self): """ Iterator of features for training. Returns: Iterator: Iterator of dicts containing features to be used for training. .. codeauthor:: Rasmus Handberg <> """ cl = 'meta' if self.fake_metaclassifier else None # NOTE: This does not propergate the 'data_dir' keyword to the BaseClassifier, # But since we are not doing anything other than loading data, # this should not cause any problems. with BaseClassifier(tset=self, features_cache=self.features_cache) as stcl: for rowidx in self.train_idx: task =, classifier=cl, change_classifier=False, chunk=1, ignore_existing=True) # Lightcurve file to load: # We do not use the one from the database because in the simulations the # raw and corrected light curves are stored in different files. yield stcl.load_star(task[0])
[docs] def features_test(self): """ Iterator of features for testing. Returns: Iterator: Iterator of dicts containing features to be used for testing. .. codeauthor:: Rasmus Handberg <> """ if self.testfraction <= 0: raise ValueError('features_test requires testfraction > 0') cl = 'meta' if self.fake_metaclassifier else None # Create a temporary copy of the TODO-file that we are going to read from. # This is due to errors we have detected, where the database is unexpectively locked # when opened several times in parallel. for rowidx in self.test_idx: task =, classifier=cl, change_classifier=False, chunk=1, ignore_existing=True) # Lightcurve file to load: # We do not use the one from the database because in the simulations the # raw and corrected light curves are stored in different files. yield task[0]
[docs] def labels(self): """ Labels of training-set. Returns: tuple: Tuple of labels associated with features in :meth:`features`. Each element is itself a tuple of enums of :class:`StellarClasses`. .. codeauthor:: Rasmus Handberg <> """ return tuple([self._lookup[k] for k in self.train_idx])
[docs] def labels_test(self): """ Labels of test-set. Returns: tuple: Tuple of labels associated with features in :meth:`features_test`. Each element is itself a tuple of enums of :class:`StellarClasses`. .. codeauthor:: Rasmus Handberg <> """ return tuple([self._lookup[k] for k in self.test_idx])
[docs] def clear_cache(self): """ Clear features cache. This will delete the features cache directory in the training-set data directory, and delete all MOAT cache tables in the training-set. .. codeauthor:: Rasmus Handberg <> """ # Delete the features cache directory: if os.path.exists(self.features_cache): shutil.rmtree(self.features_cache) # Delete the MOAT tables from the training-set todo-file: