Source code for starclass.taskmanager

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
A TaskManager which keeps track of which targets to process.

.. codeauthor:: Rasmus Handberg <>

import numpy as np
import os
import sqlite3
import logging
import contextlib
import tempfile
from astropy.table import Table
from . import STATUS, io, BaseClassifier
from .constants import classifier_list
from .version import get_version
from .exceptions import DiagnosticsNotAvailableError

[docs] class TaskManager(object): """ A TaskManager which keeps track of which targets to process. .. codeauthor:: Rasmus Handberg <> """
[docs] def __init__(self, todo_file, cleanup=False, readonly=False, overwrite=False, classes=None, load_into_memory=False, backup_interval=10000): """ Initialize the TaskManager which keeps track of which targets to process. Parameters: todo_file (str): Path to the TODO-file. cleanup (bool): Perform cleanup/optimization of TODO-file before doing initialization. Default=False. overwrite (bool): Overwrite any previously calculated results. Default=False. classes (Enum): Possible stellar classes. This is only used for for translating saved stellar classes in the ``other_classifiers`` table into proper enums. load_into_memory (bool): Create a in-memory copy of the entire TODO-file, and work of this copy to speed up queries. Will result in larger memory use. Default=True. backup_interval (int): Save in-memory copy of database to disk after this number of results saved by :func:`save_results`. Default=10000. Raises: FileNotFoundError: If TODO-file could not be found. .. codeauthor:: Rasmus Handberg <> """ if os.path.isdir(todo_file): todo_file = os.path.join(todo_file, 'todo.sqlite') if not os.path.exists(todo_file): raise FileNotFoundError('Could not find TODO-file') if backup_interval is not None and int(backup_interval) <= 0: raise ValueError("Invalid backup_interval") self.run_from_memory = load_into_memory self.todo_file = os.path.abspath(todo_file) self.StellarClasses = classes self.readonly = readonly self.tset = None self.input_folder = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(todo_file)) self._moat_tables = {} self.backup_interval = None if backup_interval is None else int(backup_interval) self._results_saved_counter = 0 # Keep a list of all the possible classifiers here: self.all_classifiers = list(classifier_list) self.all_classifiers.remove('meta') self.all_classifiers = set(self.all_classifiers) # Setup logging: self.logger = logging.getLogger('starclass') # Load the SQLite file: if self.run_from_memory: self.logger.debug('Creating in-memory copy of database...') self.conn = sqlite3.connect(':memory:') journal_mode = 'MEMORY' syncronous = 'OFF' with contextlib.closing(sqlite3.connect('file:' + todo_file + '?mode=ro', uri=True)) as source: source.backup(self.conn) else: self.conn = sqlite3.connect(todo_file) journal_mode = 'TRUNCATE' syncronous = 'NORMAL' self.conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row self.cursor = self.conn.cursor() self.cursor.execute("PRAGMA foreign_keys=ON;") self.cursor.execute("PRAGMA locking_mode=EXCLUSIVE;") self.cursor.execute(f"PRAGMA journal_mode={journal_mode:s};") self.cursor.execute(f"PRAGMA synchronous={syncronous:s};") self.cursor.execute("PRAGMA temp_store=MEMORY;") self.conn.commit() # Find out if corrections have been run: self.cursor.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='diagnostics_corr';") if self.cursor.fetchone() is None: self.close() raise ValueError("The TODO-file does not contain diagnostics_corr. Are you sure corrections have been run?") # Find existing MOAT tables in the todo-file: self.cursor.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name LIKE 'starclass_features_%';") for row in self.cursor.fetchall(): classifier = row['name'].replace('starclass_features_', '') self.cursor.execute("PRAGMA table_info(" + row['name'] + ");") columns = [col['name'] for col in self.cursor.fetchall()] columns.remove('priority') # Make sure we close the database connection in case of an error: try: self.moat_create(classifier, columns) except: # noqa: E722 self.close() raise # Reset the status of everything for a new run: if overwrite: self.logger.debug("Deleting any existing starclass tables...") self.cursor.execute("BEGIN TRANSACTION;") self.cursor.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS starclass_settings;") self.cursor.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS starclass_diagnostics;") self.cursor.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS starclass_results;") self.conn.commit() cleanup = True # Enforce a cleanup after deleting old results # Create table for settings if it doesn't already exits: self.cursor.execute("""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS starclass_settings ( tset TEXT NOT NULL, version TEXT NOT NULL );""") self.conn.commit() # Load settings from setting tables: self.cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM starclass_settings LIMIT 1;") row = self.cursor.fetchone() if row is not None: self.tset = row['tset'] # Create table for starclass diagnostics and results: self.cursor.execute("BEGIN TRANSACTION;") self.cursor.execute("""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS starclass_diagnostics ( priority INTEGER NOT NULL, classifier TEXT NOT NULL, status INTEGER NOT NULL, elaptime REAL, worker_wait_time REAL, errors TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (priority, classifier), FOREIGN KEY (priority) REFERENCES todolist(priority) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE );""") self.cursor.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS starclass_diag_status_idx ON starclass_diagnostics (status);") self.cursor.execute("""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS starclass_results ( priority INTEGER NOT NULL, classifier TEXT NOT NULL, class TEXT NOT NULL, prob REAL NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (priority, classifier) REFERENCES starclass_diagnostics(priority, classifier) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE );""") self.cursor.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS starclass_resu_priority_classifier_idx ON starclass_results (priority, classifier);") # Make sure we have proper indicies that should have been created by the previous pipeline steps: self.cursor.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS corr_status_idx ON todolist (corr_status);") self.conn.commit() # Find out if data-validation information exists: self.cursor.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='datavalidation_corr';") self.datavalidation_exists = (self.cursor.fetchone() is not None) if not self.datavalidation_exists: self.logger.warning("DATA-VALIDATION information is not available in this TODO-file. Assuming all targets are good.") # Create tempoary table which will replace the "todolist" table # in subsequent queries. This is to avoid doing joins in each query # performed in the "query_task" method. This filters out anything # that didn't pass data-validation and joins with the diagnostics information. self.cursor.execute("BEGIN TRANSACTION;") self.cursor.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS temp.starclass_todolist;") self.cursor.execute("""CREATE TEMP TABLE starclass_todolist ( priority INTEGER NOT NULL, starid INTEGER NOT NULL, tmag REAL NOT NULL, lightcurve TEXT NOT NULL, variance REAL, rms_hour REAL, ptp REAL, PRIMARY KEY (priority) );""") # If data-validation information is available, only include targets # which passed the data validation: search_joins = '' search_query = '' if self.datavalidation_exists: search_joins = "INNER JOIN datavalidation_corr ON datavalidation_corr.priority=todolist.priority" search_query = "AND datavalidation_corr.approved=1" self.cursor.execute(f"""INSERT INTO temp.starclass_todolist SELECT todolist.priority, todolist.starid, todolist.tmag, diagnostics_corr.lightcurve, diagnostics_corr.variance, diagnostics_corr.rms_hour, diagnostics_corr.ptp FROM todolist INNER JOIN diagnostics_corr ON todolist.priority=diagnostics_corr.priority {search_joins:s} WHERE todolist.corr_status IN ({STATUS.OK.value:d},{STATUS.WARNING.value:d}) {search_query:s} ORDER BY todolist.priority;""") self.conn.commit() # Analyze the tables for better query planning: self.cursor.execute("ANALYZE;") self.conn.commit() # Run a cleanup/optimization of the database before we get started: if cleanup: self.logger.debug("Cleaning TODOLIST before run...") tmp_isolevel = self.conn.isolation_level try: self.conn.isolation_level = None self.cursor.execute("VACUUM;") finally: self.conn.isolation_level = tmp_isolevel
[docs] def backup(self): """ Save backup of todo-file to disk. This only has an effect when `load_into_memory` is enabled. .. codeauthor:: Rasmus Handberg <> """ self._results_saved_counter = 0 if self.run_from_memory: backupfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( dir=self.input_folder, prefix=os.path.basename(self.todo_file) + '-backup-', delete=False).name with contextlib.closing(sqlite3.connect(backupfile)) as dest: self.conn.backup(dest) dest.execute("PRAGMA journal_mode=DELETE;") dest.execute('PRAGMA synchronous=NORMAL;') dest.commit() # Since we are running from memory, the original file # is not opened by any process, so we are free to # replace it: os.replace(backupfile, self.todo_file)
[docs] def close(self): """Close TaskManager and all associated objects.""" if hasattr(self, 'cursor') and hasattr(self, 'conn') and self.conn: try: self.conn.rollback() self.cursor.execute("PRAGMA journal_mode=DELETE;") self.cursor.execute('PRAGMA synchronous=NORMAL;') self.conn.commit() self.cursor.close() self.backup() # A little hacky, but it stops backup() from doing a second overwrite # during __del__ if it has already been closed: self.run_from_memory = False except sqlite3.ProgrammingError: # pragma: no cover pass if hasattr(self, 'conn') and self.conn: self.conn.close() self.conn = None
#---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __del__(self): self.close() #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __exit__(self, *args): self.close() #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __enter__(self): return self #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_number_tasks(self, classifier=None): """ Get number of tasks to be processed. Parameters: classifier (str, optional): Constrain to tasks missing from this classifier. Returns: int: Number of tasks due to be processed. .. codeauthor:: Rasmus Handberg <> """ # List of all classifiers to be processed, including the meta-classifier: classifiers = [classifier] if classifier else (list(self.all_classifiers) + ['meta']) # Loop through the classifiers and count up the number of missing tasks: num = 0 for clfier in classifiers: self.cursor.execute("""SELECT COUNT(*) FROM temp.starclass_todolist LEFT JOIN starclass_diagnostics ON starclass_diagnostics.priority=temp.starclass_todolist.priority AND starclass_diagnostics.classifier=? WHERE starclass_diagnostics.status IS NULL;""", [clfier]) num += self.cursor.fetchone()[0] return num
#---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _query_task(self, classifier=None, priority=None, chunk=1, ignore_existing=False): search_joins = [] search_query = [] # TODO: Is this right? if classifier is None and priority is None: raise ValueError("This will just give the same again and again") # Build list of constraints: if priority is not None: search_query.append(f'temp.starclass_todolist.priority={priority:d}') # If a classifier is specified, constrain to only that classifier: if classifier is not None and not ignore_existing: search_joins.append(f"LEFT JOIN starclass_diagnostics ON starclass_diagnostics.priority=temp.starclass_todolist.priority AND starclass_diagnostics.classifier='{classifier:s}'") search_query.append("starclass_diagnostics.status IS NULL") # If the requested classifier is the MetaClassifier, # we should only pick out the tasks where all other classifiers have returned # something: if classifier == 'meta': search_query.append(f"(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM starclass_diagnostics d2 WHERE d2.priority=temp.starclass_todolist.priority AND d2.classifier!='meta' AND d2.status!={STATUS.STARTED.value}) = {len(self.all_classifiers):d}") # Build query string: # Note: It is not possible for search_query to be empty! search_joins = "\n".join(search_joins) search_query = " AND ".join(search_query) self.cursor.execute(f""" SELECT starclass_todolist.* FROM temp.starclass_todolist {search_joins:s} WHERE {search_query:s} ORDER BY temp.starclass_todolist.priority LIMIT {chunk:d};""") tasks = [dict(task) for task in self.cursor.fetchall()] if tasks: for task in tasks: task['classifier'] = classifier task['lightcurve'] = os.path.join(self.input_folder, task['lightcurve']) # Add things from the catalog file: #catalog_file = os.path.join(????, 'catalog_sector{sector:03d}_camera{camera:d}_ccd{ccd:d}.sqlite') # cursor.execute("SELECT ra,decl as dec,teff FROM catalog WHERE starid=?;", (task['starid'], )) #task.update() # Add common features already calculated by some other classifier: # This is not needed for the meta-classifier if classifier != 'meta': features_common = self.moat_query('common', task['priority']) if features_common is not None: task['features_common'] = features_common if classifier is not None: features_specific = self.moat_query(classifier, task['priority']) if features_specific is not None: task['features'] = features_specific # If the classifier that is running is the meta-classifier, # add the results from all other classifiers to the task dict: else: if self.StellarClasses is None: raise RuntimeError("classes not provided to TaskManager.") self.cursor.execute("""SELECT r.classifier, class, prob FROM starclass_results r INNER JOIN starclass_diagnostics d ON r.priority=d.priority AND r.classifier=d.classifier WHERE r.priority=? AND status=? AND r.classifier != 'meta' ORDER BY r.classifier, class;""", [ task['priority'], STATUS.OK.value ]) # Add as a Table to the task list: rows = [] for r in self.cursor.fetchall(): rows.append([r['classifier'], self.StellarClasses[r['class']], r['prob']]) if not rows: rows = None task['other_classifiers'] = Table( rows=rows, names=('classifier', 'class', 'prob'), ) return tasks return None #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_task(self, priority=None, classifier=None, change_classifier=True, chunk=1, ignore_existing=False): """ Get next task to be processed. Parameters: priority (integer): classifier (string): Classifier to get next task for. If no tasks are available for this classifier, and `change_classifier=True`, a task for another classifier will be returned. change_classifier (boolean): Return task for another classifier if there are no more tasks for the provided classifier. Default=True. chunk (int, optional): Chunk of tasks to return. Default is to not chunk (=1). Returns: list or None: List of dictionaries of settings for tasks. If no tasks are found ``None`` is returned. .. codeauthor:: Rasmus Handberg <> """ task = self._query_task(classifier=classifier, priority=priority, chunk=chunk, ignore_existing=ignore_existing) # If no task is returned for the given classifier, find another # classifier where tasks are available: if task is None and change_classifier: # Make a search on all the classifiers, and record the next # task for all of them: all_tasks = [] for cl in self.all_classifiers.difference([classifier]): task = self._query_task(classifier=cl, priority=priority, chunk=chunk, ignore_existing=ignore_existing) if task is not None: all_tasks.append(task) # Pick the classifier that has reached the lowest priority: if all_tasks: # We can get away with just taking the first priority, # since they are already sorted by priority: indx = np.argmin([t[0]['priority'] for t in all_tasks]) return all_tasks[indx] # If this is reached, all classifiers are done, and we can # start running the MetaClassifier: task = self._query_task(classifier='meta', priority=priority, chunk=chunk, ignore_existing=ignore_existing) return task
[docs] def save_settings(self): """ Save settings to TODO-file and create method-specific columns in ``diagnostics_corr`` table. .. codeauthor:: Rasmus Handberg <> """ self.cursor.execute("BEGIN TRANSACTION;") try: self.cursor.execute("DELETE FROM starclass_settings;") self.cursor.execute("INSERT INTO starclass_settings (tset,version) VALUES (?,?);", [ self.tset, get_version() ]) self.conn.commit() except: # noqa: E722, pragma: no cover self.conn.rollback() raise
[docs] def moat_create(self, classifier, columns): # Just some checks of the input: if classifier != 'common' and classifier not in self.all_classifiers: raise ValueError(f"Invalid classifier: {classifier}") if not columns: raise ValueError("Invalid column names provided") #db_name = 'db_' + classifier table_name = "starclass_features_" + classifier columns = sorted(columns) columns_insert = ",".join(columns) columns_create = ",\n".join(['"' + key + '" REAL' for key in columns]) placeholders = ",".join([':' + key for key in columns]) # Create table: #print(f"ATTACH DATABASE '' AS {db_name:s};") query_create = f""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {table_name:s} ( priority INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, {columns_create:s}, FOREIGN KEY (priority) REFERENCES diagnostics_corr(priority) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE );""" self.cursor.execute(query_create) self.cursor.execute(f"ANALYZE {table_name:s};") # Generate SQL statement which will be used to insert extracted features # into this table: query_insert = f"INSERT OR REPLACE INTO {table_name:s} (priority,{columns_insert:s}) VALUES (:priority,{placeholders:s});" # Generate SQL statement which will be used to select extracted features # from this table: query_select = f"SELECT {columns_insert:s} FROM {table_name:s} WHERE priority=?;" # Gather into dict and save to memory for later reuse: query = { 'table_name': table_name, 'insert': query_insert, 'select': query_select, } self._moat_tables[classifier] = query return query
#---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _moat_insert(self, classifier, priority, features): """ Insert extracted features into Mother Of All Tables (MOAT). Parameters: classifier (str): priority (int): features (dict): .. codeauthor:: Rasmus Handberg <> """ query = self._moat_tables.get(classifier) if query is None: query = self.moat_create(classifier, features.keys()) # Insert into MOAT table using pre-compiled SQL query: priority_dict = {'priority': priority} self.cursor.execute(query['insert'], {**features, **priority_dict}) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def moat_query(self, classifier, priority): """ Query Mother Of All Tables (MOAT) for cached features. Parameters: classifier (str): priority (int): Returns: dict: Dictionary with features stores in MOAT. .. codeauthor:: Rasmus Handberg <> """ query = self._moat_tables.get(classifier) if query is not None: self.cursor.execute(query['select'], [priority]) row = self.cursor.fetchone() if row: return {key: (np.NaN if val is None else val) for key, val in dict(row).items()} return None
[docs] def moat_clear(self): """ Clear Mother Of All Tables (MOAT). .. codeauthor:: Rasmus Handberg <> """ self.cursor.execute("BEGIN TRANSACTION;") try: for query in self._moat_tables.values(): self.cursor.execute(f"DROP TABLE {query['table_name']:s};") self.conn.commit() self._moat_tables.clear() except: # noqa: E722, pragma: no cover self.conn.rollback() raise # Run a VACUUM of todo-file after potentially deleting many tables: self.logger.debug("Cleaning TODOLIST after moat_clear...") tmp_isolevel = self.conn.isolation_level try: self.conn.isolation_level = None self.cursor.execute("VACUUM;") finally: self.conn.isolation_level = tmp_isolevel self.backup()
[docs] def save_results(self, results): """ Save results, or list of results, to TODO-file. Parameters: results (list or dict): Dictionary of results and diagnostics. Raises: ValueError: If attempting to save results from multiple different training sets. .. codeauthor:: Rasmus Handberg <> """ if isinstance(results, dict): results = [results] # If the training set has not already been set for this TODO-file, # update the settings: if self.tset is None and results[0].get('tset'): self.tset = results[0].get('tset') self.save_settings() self.cursor.execute("BEGIN TRANSACTION;") try: for result in results: # Check that we are not mixing results # from different correctors in one TODO-file. tset = result.get('tset') if tset != self.tset: raise ValueError(f"Attempting to mix results from multiple training sets. Previous='{self.tset}', New='{tset}'.") priority = result.get('priority') classifier = result.get('classifier') status = result.get('status') details = result.get('details', {}) starclass_results = result.get('starclass_results', {}) common = result.get('features_common', None) features = result.get('features', None) error_msg = details.get('errors', None) if error_msg: error_msg = '\n'.join(error_msg) #self.summary['last_error'] = error_msg # Save additional diagnostics: self.cursor.execute("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO starclass_diagnostics (priority,classifier,status,errors,elaptime,worker_wait_time) VALUES (:priority,:classifier,:status,:errors,:elaptime,:worker_wait_time);", { 'priority': priority, 'classifier': classifier, 'status': status.value, 'elaptime': result.get('elaptime'), 'worker_wait_time': result.get('worker_wait_time'), 'errors': error_msg }) # Store the results in database: self.cursor.execute("DELETE FROM starclass_results WHERE priority=? AND classifier=?;", (priority, classifier)) self.cursor.executemany("INSERT INTO starclass_results (priority,classifier,class,prob) VALUES (:priority,:classifier,:class,:prob);", ( { 'priority': priority, 'classifier': classifier, 'class':, 'prob': value } for key, value in starclass_results.items())) # Save common features if they are provided: if common: self._moat_insert('common', priority, common) # Save classifier-specific features if they are provided: if features and classifier != 'meta': self._moat_insert(classifier, priority, features) self.conn.commit() except: # noqa: E722, pragma: no cover self.conn.rollback() raise # Backup every X results: self._results_saved_counter += len(results) if self.backup_interval is not None and self._results_saved_counter >= self.backup_interval: self.backup()
[docs] def start_task(self, tasks): """ Mark tasks as STARTED in the TODO-list. Parameters: tasks (list or dict): Task or list of tasks coming from :func:`get_tasks`. .. codeauthor:: Rasmus Handberg <> """ if isinstance(tasks, dict): params = [(int(tasks['priority']), tasks['classifier'])] else: params = [(int(task['priority']), task['classifier']) for task in tasks] self.cursor.execute("BEGIN TRANSACTION;") try: self.cursor.executemany(f"INSERT INTO starclass_diagnostics (priority,classifier,status) VALUES (?,?,{STATUS.STARTED.value:d});", params) #self.summary['STARTED'] += self.cursor.rowcount self.conn.commit() except: # noqa: E722, pragma: no cover self.conn.rollback() raise
[docs] def assign_final_class(self, tset, data_dir=None): """ Assing final classes based on all starclass results. This will create a new column in the todolist table named "final_class". Parameters: tset (:class:`TrainingSet`): Training-set used. data_dir (str, optional): Data directory to load models from. .. codeauthor:: Rasmus Handberg <> """"Assigning final classes based on all results...") with BaseClassifier(tset=tset, data_dir=data_dir) as stcl: diagnostics_file = os.path.join(stcl.data_dir, 'diagnostics_' + tset.key + '_' + tset.level + '_meta.json') # Load diagnostics file and extract thresholds dict: try: diagnostics = io.loadJSON(diagnostics_file) thresholds = diagnostics['roc_best_threshold'] except (FileNotFoundError, KeyError): raise DiagnosticsNotAvailableError("Diagnostics information not available. \ MetaClassifier needs to be trained with test-fraction > 0 to generate diagnostics.") self.cursor.execute("BEGIN TRANSACTION;") try: # Create the column in the todolist for the final classification: self.cursor.execute("PRAGMA table_info(todolist);") if 'final_class' not in [col['name'] for col in self.cursor]:"Creating FINAL_CLASS column in TODOLIST") self.cursor.execute("ALTER TABLE todolist ADD COLUMN final_class TEXT;") else: self.cursor.execute("UPDATE todolist SET final_class=NULL;") # Build list of final classes: params = [] add_joins = '' add_query = '' if self.datavalidation_exists: add_joins = "INNER JOIN datavalidation_corr dv ON dv.priority=r.priority" add_query = " AND dv.approved=1" self.cursor.execute(f"""SELECT r.priority,r.class,r.prob FROM starclass_results r INNER JOIN starclass_diagnostics dn ON dn.priority=r.priority {add_joins:s} WHERE dn.status IN ({STATUS.OK.value:d},{STATUS.WARNING.value:d}) AND r.classifier='meta'{add_query:s} GROUP BY r.priority HAVING r.prob=MAX(r.prob);""") for row in self.cursor: final = row['class'] if (row['prob'] >= thresholds[row['class']]) else 'UNKNOWN' params.append((final, row['priority'])) self.cursor.executemany("UPDATE todolist SET final_class=? WHERE priority=?;", params) self.conn.commit() except: # noqa: E722, pragma: no cover self.conn.rollback() raise