Source code for starclass.XGBClassifier.xgbClassifier

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
General XGB Classification

.. codeauthor:: Refilwe Kgoadi <>

import os
import xgboost as xgb
from . import xgb_feature_calc as xgb_features
from .. import BaseClassifier
from ..exceptions import UntrainedClassifierError

[docs] class XGBClassifier(BaseClassifier): """ General XGB Classification .. codeauthor:: Refilwe Kgoadi <> """
[docs] def __init__(self, clfile='xgb_classifier.json', *args, **kwargs): """ Initialize the classifier object with optimised parameters. Parameters: clfile (str): saved classifier file. n_estimators (int): number of boosted trees in the ensemble. max_depth (int): maximum depth of each tree in the ensemble. learning_rate: boosting learning rate. reg_alpha: L1 regularization on the features. objective: learning objective of the algorithm. booster: booster used in the tree. eval_metric: Evaluation metric. .. codeauthor:: Refilwe Kgoadi <> """ # Initialize the parent class: super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Attributes of this classifier: self.classifier = None self.classifier_file = None if clfile is not None: self.classifier_file = os.path.join(self.data_dir, clfile) if self.classifier_file is not None and os.path.exists(self.classifier_file): # Load pre-trained classifier self.load(self.classifier_file) else: # Create new untrained classifier: self.classifier = xgb.XGBClassifier( booster='gbtree', colsample_bytree=0.7, eval_metric='mlogloss', gamma=7.5, learning_rate=0.1, max_depth=6, min_child_weight=1, n_estimators=500, objective='multi:softprob', num_class=len(self.StellarClasses), random_state=self.random_seed, # XGBoost uses misleading names reg_alpha=1e-5, subsample=0.8, use_label_encoder=False, n_jobs=1 ) self.trained = False # List of feature names used by the classifier: self.features_names = [ 'skewness', 'kurtosis', 'shapiro_wilk', 'eta', 'PeriodLS', 'amp1', # Freq_amp_0 'ampratio21', # Freq_ampratio_21 'ampratio31', # Freq_ampratio_31 'phasediff21', # Freq_phasediff_21 'phasediff31', # Freq_phasediff_31 'Rcs', 'psi_Rcs' ] # Link to the internal XBB classifier model, # which can be used for calculating feature importances: self._classifier_model = self.classifier
[docs] def save(self, outfile): """ Save xgb classifier object. """ self.classifier.save_model(outfile)
[docs] def load(self, infile): """ Load the xgb clasifier. Parameters: infile (str): Path to file from which to load the trained XGB classifier model. """ self.classifier = xgb.XGBClassifier() self.classifier.load_model(infile) self.trained = True # Assume any classifier loaded is already trained
[docs] def do_classify(self, features): """ My classification that will be run on each lightcurve Parameters: features (dict): Dictionary of other features. Returns: dict: Dictionary of stellar classifications. """ if not self.trained: raise UntrainedClassifierError("Untrained Classifier") # If classifer has been trained, calculate features self.logger.debug("Calculating features...") feature_results = xgb_features.feature_extract(features, self.features_names, total=1)'Feature Extraction done') # Do the magic: xgb_classprobs = self.classifier.predict_proba(feature_results)[0] self.logger.debug("Classification complete") class_results = {} for k, stcl in enumerate(self.StellarClasses): # Cast to float for prediction class_results[stcl] = float(xgb_classprobs[k]) return class_results, feature_results
[docs] def train(self, tset, savecl=True, recalc=False, overwrite=False): """ Training classifier using the ... """ if self.trained: return'Calculating/Loading Features.') featarray = xgb_features.feature_extract(tset.features(), self.features_names, total=len(tset), recalc=recalc)'Features calculated/loaded.') # Convert classification labels to integers: intlookup = {key.value: value for value, key in enumerate(self.StellarClasses)} fit_labels = [intlookup[lbl] for lbl in self.parse_labels(tset.labels())]'Training...'), fit_labels) self.trained = True if savecl and self.classifier_file is not None: if not os.path.exists(self.classifier_file) or overwrite:'Saving xgb classifier to %s', self.classifier_file)