Source code for starclass.StellarClasses

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Enum of all the possible stellar classes.

.. codeauthor:: Rasmus Handberg <>

import enum

__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'

[docs] class StellarClassesLevel1(enum.Enum): """ Enum of all the possible Level-1 stellar classes. .. codeauthor:: Rasmus Handberg <> """ # General classes (Level 1) SOLARLIKE = 'solar' ECLIPSE = 'transit/eclipse' RRLYR_CEPHEID = 'RRLyr/Ceph' DSCT_BCEP = 'dSct/bCep' GDOR_SPB = 'gDor/spB' #TRANSIENT = 'transient' CONTACT_ROT = 'contactEB/spots' APERIODIC = 'aperiodic' CONSTANT = 'constant'
#RAPID = 'rapid' #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] class StellarClassesLevel1Instr(enum.Enum): """ Enum of all the possible Level-1 stellar classes, including additional instrumental class. .. codeauthor:: Rasmus Handberg <> """ # General classes (Level 1) with additional instrumental class SOLARLIKE = 'solar' ECLIPSE = 'transit/eclipse' RRLYR_CEPHEID = 'RRLyr/Ceph' DSCT_BCEP = 'dSct/bCep' GDOR_SPB = 'gDor/spB' #TRANSIENT = 'transient' CONTACT_ROT = 'contactEB/spots' APERIODIC = 'aperiodic' CONSTANT = 'constant' #RAPID = 'rapid' INSTRUMENT = 'instrumental'
[docs] class StellarClassesLevel2(enum.Enum): """ Enum of all the possible Level-2 stellar classes. .. codeauthor:: Rasmus Handberg <> """ # Level 2 classes RRLYR = 'RR Lyrae' CEPHEID = 'Cepheid' GDOR = 'gamma Doradus' SPB = 'Slowly pulsating B star' DSCT = 'delta Scuti' BCEP = 'beta Cepheid' LPV = 'Long period variable' SPOTS = 'Spot modulation' ROAP = 'roAp' SDB = 'sdB' WD = 'White Dwarf' FLARE = 'Flare'