Source code for starclass.MetaClassifier.Meta

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
The meta-classifier.

.. codeauthor:: James S. Kuszlewicz <>
.. codeauthor:: Rasmus Handberg <>

import os
import itertools
import numpy as np
from bottleneck import allnan, anynan
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from .. import BaseClassifier, io
from ..constants import classifier_list
from ..exceptions import UntrainedClassifierError

class Classifier_obj(RandomForestClassifier):
	Wrapper for sklearn RandomForestClassifier.
	def __init__(self, n_estimators=100, min_samples_split=2, random_state=None):
		self.trained = False

[docs] class MetaClassifier(BaseClassifier): """ The meta-classifier. Attributes: clfile (str): Path to the file where the classifier is saved. classifier (:class:`Classifier_obj`): Actual classifier object. features_used (list): List of features used for training. .. codeauthor:: James S. Kuszlewicz <> .. codeauthor:: Rasmus Handberg <> """
[docs] def __init__(self, clfile='meta_classifier.pickle', *args, **kwargs): """ Initialize the classifier object. Parameters: clfile (str): Filepath to previously pickled Classifier_obj """ # Initialize parent super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.clfile = None self.classifier = None self.features_used = None if clfile is not None: self.clfile = os.path.join(self.data_dir, clfile) # Check if pre-trained classifier exists if self.clfile is not None and os.path.exists(self.clfile): # Load pre-trained classifier self.load(self.clfile) # Set up classifier if self.classifier is None: self.classifier = Classifier_obj(random_state=self.random_state) # Link to the internal RandomForestClassifier classifier model, # which can be used for calculating feature importances: self._classifier_model = self.classifier
[docs] def save(self, outfile): """ Saves the classifier object with pickle. """ io.savePickle(outfile, [self.classifier, self.features_used])
[docs] def load(self, infile): """ Loads classifier object. """ # Load the pickle file: self.classifier, self.features_used = io.loadPickle(infile) # Extract the features names based on the loaded classifier: self.features_names = [f'{classifier:s}_{}' for classifier, stcl in self.features_used] self.logger.debug("Feature names: %s", self.features_names)
[docs] def build_features_table(self, features, total=None): """ Build table of features. Parameters: features (iterable): Features to build table from. total (int, optional): Number of features in ``features``. If not provided, the length of ``features`` is found using :func:`len`. Returns: ndarray: Two dimensional float32 ndarray with probabilities from all classifiers. .. codeauthor:: Rasmus Handberg <> """ if total is None: total = len(features) featarray = np.full((total, len(self.features_used)), np.NaN, dtype='float32') for k, feat in enumerate(features): tab = feat['other_classifiers'] for j, (classifier, stcl) in enumerate(self.features_used): indx = (tab['classifier'] == classifier) & (tab['class'] == stcl) if any(indx): featarray[k, j] = tab['prob'][indx] return featarray
[docs] def do_classify(self, features): """ Classify a single lightcurve. Parameters: features (dict): Dictionary of features. Returns: dict: Dictionary of stellar classifications. Raises: UntrainedClassifierError: If classifier has not been trained. ValueError: If any features are NaN. .. codeauthor:: Rasmus Handberg <> """ if not self.classifier.trained: raise UntrainedClassifierError('Classifier has not been trained. Exiting.') # Build features array from the probabilities from the other classifiers: # TODO: What about NaN values? self.logger.debug("Importing features...") featarray = self.build_features_table([features], total=1) if anynan(featarray): raise ValueError("Features contains NaNs") self.logger.debug("We are starting the magic...") # Comes out with shape (1,8), but instead want shape (8,) so squeeze classprobs = self.classifier.predict_proba(featarray).squeeze() self.logger.debug("Classification complete") # Format the output: result = {} for c, cla in enumerate(self.classifier.classes_): key = self.StellarClasses(cla) result[key] = classprobs[c] return result, featarray
[docs] def train(self, tset, savecl=True, overwrite=False): """ Train the Meta-classifier. Parameters: tset (:class:`TrainingSet`): Training set to train classifier on. savecl (bool, optional): Save the classifier to file? overwrite (bool, optional): Overwrite existing classifer save file. .. codeauthor:: James S. Kuszlewicz <> .. codeauthor:: Rasmus Handberg <> """ # Check for pre-calculated features fitlabels = self.parse_labels(tset.labels()) # First create list of all possible classifiers: all_classifiers = list(classifier_list) all_classifiers.remove('meta') # Create list of all features: # Save this to object, we are using it to keep track of which features were used # to train the classifier: self.features_used = list(itertools.product(all_classifiers, self.StellarClasses)) self.features_names = [f'{classifier:s}_{}' for classifier, stcl in self.features_used] # Create table of features: # Create as float32, since that is what RandomForestClassifier converts it to anyway."Importing features...") features = self.build_features_table(tset.features(), total=len(tset)) # Remove columns that are all NaN: # This can be classifiers that never returns a given class or a classifier that # has not been run at all. keepcols = ~allnan(features, axis=0) features = features[:, keepcols] self.features_used = [x for i, x in enumerate(self.features_used) if keepcols[i]] self.features_names = [x for i, x in enumerate(self.features_names) if keepcols[i]] # Throw an error if a classifier is not run at all: run_classifiers = set([fu[0] for fu in self.features_used]) if run_classifiers != set(all_classifiers): raise RuntimeError("Classifier did not contribute at all: %s" % set(all_classifiers).difference(run_classifiers)) # Raise an exception if there are NaNs left in the features: if anynan(features): raise ValueError("Features contains NaNs")"Features imported. Shape = %s", features.shape) # Run actual training: self.classifier.oob_score = True"Fitting model."), fitlabels)'Trained. OOB Score = %s', self.classifier.oob_score_) self.classifier.trained = True if savecl and self.classifier.trained and self.clfile is not None: if overwrite or not os.path.exists(self.clfile):"Saving pickled classifier instance to '%s'", self.clfile)