Source code for photometry.tessphot

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
.. codeauthor:: Rasmus Handberg <>

import logging
import traceback
from . import STATUS, AperturePhotometry, PSFPhotometry, LinPSFPhotometry, HaloPhotometry, io
from .utilities import mag2flux

class _PhotErrorDummy(object):
	def __init__(self, traceback, *args, **kwargs):
		self.status = STATUS.ERROR
		self.method = 'error'
		self._details = {'errors': traceback} if traceback else {}

def _try_photometry(PhotClass, *args, **kwargs):
	logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
	tbcollect = []
		with PhotClass(*args, **kwargs) as pho:

			if pho.status in (STATUS.OK, STATUS.WARNING):

	except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): # pragma: no cover"Stopped by user or system")
			pho._status = STATUS.ABORT
		except: # noqa: E722

	except: # noqa: E722, pragma: no cover
		logger.exception("Something happened")
		tb = traceback.format_exc().strip()
			pho._status = STATUS.ERROR
		except: # noqa: E722

		return pho
	except UnboundLocalError: # pragma: no cover
		return _PhotErrorDummy(tbcollect, *args, **kwargs)

[docs] def tessphot(method=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Run the photometry pipeline on a single star. This function will run the specified photometry or perform the dynamical scheme of trying simple aperture photometry, evaluating its performance and if nessacery try another algorithm. Parameters: method (str or None): Type of photometry to run. Can be ``'aperture'``, ``'halo'``, ``'psf'``, ``'linpsf'`` or ``None``. *args: Arguments passed on to the photometry class init-function. **kwargs: Keyword-arguments passed on to the photometry class init-function. Raises: ValueError: On invalid method. Returns: :py:class:`photometry.BasePhotometry`: Photometry object that inherits from :py:class:`photometry.BasePhotometry`. """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) if method is None: # Start out by trying simple aperture photometry: pho = _try_photometry(AperturePhotometry, *args, **kwargs) # If this is a bright target, and there are several pixels touching # the edge, let's switch to Halo photometry instead: settings = io.load_settings() haloswitch_tmag_limit = settings.getfloat('haloswitch', 'tmag_limit') haloswitch_flux_limit = settings.getfloat('haloswitch', 'flux_limit') if not isinstance(pho, _PhotErrorDummy) and['tmag'] <= haloswitch_tmag_limit \ and not pho.datasource.startswith('tpf:'): EdgeFlux = pho._details.get('edge_flux') errors = pho._details.get('errors', []) if pho.status == STATUS.ERROR \ and ('Too many stamp resizes.' in errors or 'Stamp resize hit limit. Haloswitch quick break.' in errors): # There is significant flux on the edge, Halo should do a better job: logger.warning("Too many stamp resizes. Let us try Halo instead.") pho = _try_photometry(HaloPhotometry, *args, **kwargs) elif EdgeFlux is not None: ExpectedFlux = mag2flux(['tmag']) if EdgeFlux/ExpectedFlux > haloswitch_flux_limit: # There is significant flux on the edge, Halo should do a better job: logger.warning("Target is still touching the edge. Let us try Halo instead.") pho = _try_photometry(HaloPhotometry, *args, **kwargs) # Make sure to flag that we did automatic switching to Halo photometry, # and keep the edge_flux diagnostics from before, to keep the diagnostics # that led to the automatic switch: if isinstance(pho, HaloPhotometry): pho.report_details('Automatically switched to Halo photometry') pho._details['edge_flux'] = EdgeFlux # TODO: If too crowded: # pho = _try_photometry(PSFPhotometry, starid, input_folder, output_folder, datasource, plot) # TODO: Still getting warning status. Maybe we should do something else? if pho.status == STATUS.WARNING: logger.warning("Do something else?") else: # We have been asked to do a specific photometic method. # Translate method keyword into the class to be used: try: PhotClass = { 'aperture': AperturePhotometry, 'psf': PSFPhotometry, 'linpsf': LinPSFPhotometry, 'halo': HaloPhotometry }[method] except KeyError: raise ValueError(f"Invalid method: '{method:s}'") # Attempt the photometry with the selected class: pho = _try_photometry(PhotClass, *args, **kwargs)"Done") return pho