Source code for photometry.catalog

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Create catalogs of stars in a given TESS observing sector.

.. codeauthor:: Rasmus Handberg <>

import numpy as np
import os
import sqlite3
import logging
import itertools
import contextlib
from tqdm import tqdm
from .tasoc_db import TASOC_DB
from .utilities import (add_proper_motion, radec_to_cartesian, cartesian_to_radec,
	download_file, to_tuple)
from . import io

[docs] def catalog_sqlite_search_footprint(cursor, footprint, columns='*', constraints=None, buffer_size=5, pixel_scale=21.0): """ Query the SQLite catalog files for a specific footprint on sky. This function ensures that edge-cases near the poles and around the RA=0 line are handled correctly. Parameters: cursor (:class:`sqlite3.Cursor`): Cursor to catalog SQLite file. footprint (ndarray): 2D ndarray of RA and DEC coordinates of the corners of footprint. columns (str): Default is to return all columns. constraints (str): Additional constraints on the query in addition to the footprint. buffer_size (float): Buffer to add around stamp in pixels. Default=5. pixel_scale (float): Size of single pixel in arcsecs. Default=21.0 (TESS). Returns: list: List of rows matching the query. .. codeauthor:: Rasmus Handberg <> """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) if constraints: constraints = ' AND ' + constraints else: constraints = '' # Convert the corners into (ra, dec) coordinates and find the max and min values: buffer_deg = buffer_size*pixel_scale/3600.0 radec_min = np.min(footprint, axis=0) radec_max = np.max(footprint, axis=0) # Upper and lower bounds on ra and dec: ra_min = radec_min[0] ra_max = radec_max[0] dec_min = radec_min[1] - buffer_deg dec_max = radec_max[1] + buffer_deg logger.debug('Catalog search - ra_min = %.10f', ra_min) logger.debug('Catalog search - ra_max = %.10f', ra_max) logger.debug('Catalog search - dec_min = %.10f', dec_min) logger.debug('Catalog search - dec_max = %.10f', dec_max) query = "SELECT " + columns + " FROM catalog WHERE ra BETWEEN :ra_min AND :ra_max AND decl BETWEEN :dec_min AND :dec_max" + constraints + ";" if dec_min < -90 or dec_max > 90: # We are very close to a pole # Ignore everything about RA, but keep searches above abs(90), # since no targets exists in database above 90 anyway logger.debug("Catalog search - Near pole") cursor.execute(query, { 'ra_min': 0, 'ra_max': 360, 'dec_min': dec_min, 'dec_max': dec_max }) elif ra_min <= buffer_deg or 360-ra_max <= buffer_deg: # The stamp is spanning across the ra=0 line # and the difference is therefore large as WCS will always # return coordinates between 0 and 360. # We therefore have to change how we query on either side of the line. corners_ra = np.mod(footprint[:,0] - buffer_deg, 360) ra_max = np.min(corners_ra[corners_ra > 180]) corners_ra = np.mod(footprint[:,0] + buffer_deg, 360) ra_min = np.max(corners_ra[corners_ra < 180]) logger.debug("Catalog search - RA=0") cursor.execute("SELECT " + columns + " FROM catalog WHERE (ra <= :ra_min OR ra >= :ra_max) AND decl BETWEEN :dec_min AND :dec_max" + constraints + ";", { 'ra_min': ra_min, 'ra_max': ra_max, 'dec_min': dec_min, 'dec_max': dec_max }) else: logger.debug("Catalog search - Normal") cursor.execute(query, { 'ra_min': ra_min - buffer_deg, 'ra_max': ra_max + buffer_deg, 'dec_min': dec_min, 'dec_max': dec_max }) return cursor.fetchall()
[docs] def make_catalog(sector, input_folder=None, cameras=None, ccds=None, coord_buffer=0.2, overwrite=False): # pragma: no cover """ Create catalogs of stars in a given TESS observing sector. Parameters: sector (int): TESS observing sector. input_folder (str or None): Input folder to create catalog file in. If ``None``, the input directory in the environment variable ``TESSPHOT_INPUT`` is used. cameras (iterable or None): TESS cameras (1-4) to create catalogs for. If ``None`` all cameras are created. ccds (iterable or None): TESS ccds (1-4) to create catalogs for. If ``None`` all ccds are created. coord_buffer (float): Buffer in degrees around each CCD to include in catalogs. Default=0.2. overwrite (bool): Overwrite existing catalogs. Default=``False``. Note: This function requires the user to be connected to the TASOC network at Aarhus University. It connects to the TASOC database to get a complete list of all stars in the TESS Input Catalog (TIC), which is a very large table. Raises: RuntimeError: If settings could not be correctly loaded from TASOC databases. .. codeauthor:: Rasmus Handberg <> """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) if coord_buffer < 0: raise ValueError("Invalid COORD_BUFFER") # Make sure cameras and ccds are iterable: cameras = to_tuple(cameras, (1,2,3,4)) ccds = to_tuple(ccds, (1,2,3,4)) settings = io.load_sector_settings(sector=sector) sector_reference_time = settings['reference_time'] epoch = (sector_reference_time - 2451544.5)/365.25 if input_folder is None: input_folder = os.environ.get('TESSPHOT_INPUT', os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'tests', 'input'))"Saving results to '%s'", input_folder) # Open connection to the central TASOC database. # This requires that users are on the TASOC network at Aarhus University. with TASOC_DB() as tasocdb: # Loop through the cameras and CCDs that should have catalogs created: for camera, ccd in itertools.product(cameras, ccds):"Running SECTOR=%d, CAMERA=%d, CCD=%d", sector, camera, ccd) # Create SQLite file: catalog_file = os.path.join(input_folder, f'catalog_sector{sector:03d}_camera{camera:d}_ccd{ccd:d}.sqlite') if overwrite: with contextlib.suppress(FileNotFoundError): os.remove(catalog_file) elif os.path.exists(catalog_file):"Already done") continue with contextlib.closing(sqlite3.connect(catalog_file)) as conn: conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row cursor = conn.cursor() # Change settings of SQLite file: cursor.execute("PRAGMA page_size=4096;") cursor.execute("PRAGMA foreign_keys=TRUE;") # Table which stores information used to generate catalog: cursor.execute("""CREATE TABLE settings ( sector INTEGER NOT NULL, camera INTEGER NOT NULL, ccd INTEGER NOT NULL, ticver TEXT NOT NULL, reference_time DOUBLE PRECISION NOT NULL, epoch DOUBLE PRECISION NOT NULL, coord_buffer DOUBLE PRECISION NOT NULL, camera_centre_ra DOUBLE PRECISION NOT NULL, camera_centre_dec DOUBLE PRECISION NOT NULL, footprint TEXT NOT NULL );""") cursor.execute("""CREATE TABLE catalog ( starid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, ra DOUBLE PRECISION NOT NULL, decl DOUBLE PRECISION NOT NULL, ra_J2000 DOUBLE PRECISION NOT NULL, decl_J2000 DOUBLE PRECISION NOT NULL, pm_ra REAL, pm_decl REAL, tmag REAL NOT NULL, teff REAL );""") # Get the footprint on the sky of this sector: tasocdb.cursor.execute("SELECT footprint,camera_centre_ra,camera_centre_dec FROM tasoc.pointings WHERE sector=%s AND camera=%s AND ccd=%s;", ( sector, camera, ccd )) row = tasocdb.cursor.fetchone() if row is None: raise RuntimeError(f"The given SECTOR={sector:d}, CAMERA={camera:d}, CCD={ccd:d} combination was not found in TASOC database.") footprint = row[0] camera_centre_ra = row[1] camera_centre_dec = row[2] # Transform footprint into numpy array: a = footprint[2:-2].split('),(') a = np.array([b.split(',') for b in a], dtype='float64') # If we need to, we should add a buffer around the footprint, # by extending all points out from the centre with a set amount: # We are cheating a little bit here with the spherical geometry, # but it shouldn't matter too much. if coord_buffer > 0: # Convert ra-dec to cartesian coordinates: a_xyz = radec_to_cartesian(a) # Find center of footprint: origin_xyz = np.mean(a_xyz, axis=0) origin_xyz /= np.linalg.norm(origin_xyz) # Just for debugging: origin = cartesian_to_radec(origin_xyz).flatten() logger.debug("Centre of CCD: (%f, %f)", origin[0], origin[1]) # Add buffer zone, by expanding polygon away from origin: for k in range(a.shape[0]): vec = a_xyz[k,:] - origin_xyz uvec = vec/np.linalg.norm(vec) a_xyz[k,:] += uvec*np.radians(coord_buffer) a_xyz[k,:] /= np.linalg.norm(a_xyz[k,:]) a_xyz = np.clip(a_xyz, -1, 1) # Convert back to ra-dec coordinates: a = cartesian_to_radec(a_xyz) # Make footprint into string that will be understood by database: footprint = '(' + ','.join(['(%.16f,%.16f)' % tuple(s) for s in a]) + ')' # Save settings to SQLite: # TODO: TIC Version hard-coded to TIC-8.2. This should obviously be changed when TIC is updated cursor.execute("INSERT INTO settings (sector,camera,ccd,reference_time,epoch,coord_buffer,footprint,camera_centre_ra,camera_centre_dec,ticver) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);", ( sector, camera, ccd, sector_reference_time, epoch + 2000.0, coord_buffer, footprint, camera_centre_ra, camera_centre_dec, '8.2' )) conn.commit() # We need a list of when the sectors are in time:'Projecting catalog %.3f years relative to 2000', epoch) # Count number of stars in the footprint:"Querying for number of targets within footprint...") tasocdb.cursor.execute(f"SELECT COUNT(*) AS num FROM tasoc.tic_newest WHERE q3c_poly_query(ra, decl, '{footprint:s}'::polygon) AND (disposition IS NULL OR disposition=3);") total_count = tasocdb.cursor.fetchone()['num'] # Settings for tqdm progress bar: tqdm_settings = { 'disable': None if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO) else True, 'total': total_count } # Query the TESS Input Catalog table for all stars in the footprint. # This is a MASSIVE table, so this query may take a while."Building catalog table with %d rows...", total_count) with tasocdb.named_cursor(itersize=20000) as cursor_named: cursor_named.execute(f"SELECT starid,ra,decl,pm_ra,pm_decl,\"Tmag\",\"Teff\",version FROM tasoc.tic_newest WHERE q3c_poly_query(ra, decl, '{footprint:s}'::polygon) AND (disposition IS NULL OR disposition=3);") for row in tqdm(cursor_named, **tqdm_settings): starid = int(row['starid']) # Add the proper motion to each coordinate: if row['pm_ra'] is not None and row['pm_decl'] is not None: ra, dec = add_proper_motion(row['ra'], row['decl'], row['pm_ra'], row['pm_decl'], sector_reference_time, epoch=2000.0) logger.debug("(%f, %f) => (%f, %f)", row[1], row[2], ra, dec) elif row['pm_ra'] is None and row['pm_decl'] is None: ra = row['ra'] dec = row['decl'] else: raise RuntimeError(f"Invalid proper motion returned from database (TIC {starid})") # Save the coordinates in SQLite database: cursor.execute("INSERT INTO catalog (starid,ra,decl,ra_J2000,decl_J2000,pm_ra,pm_decl,tmag,teff) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);", ( starid, ra, dec, row['ra'], row['decl'], row['pm_ra'], row['pm_decl'], row['Tmag'], row['Teff'] )) cursor.execute("CREATE INDEX ra_dec_idx ON catalog (ra, decl);") conn.commit() # Analyze the tables for better query planning: cursor.execute("ANALYZE;") conn.commit() # Run a VACUUM of the table which will force a recreation of the # underlying "pages" of the file. # Please note that we are changing the "isolation_level" of the connection here, # but since we closing the connnection just after, we are not changing it back conn.isolation_level = None cursor.execute("VACUUM;") # Make the database read-only: cursor.execute("PRAGMA query_only=TRUE;") conn.commit() cursor.close()"Catalog done.")"All catalogs done.")
[docs] def download_catalogs(input_folder, sector, camera=None, ccd=None): """ Download catalog SQLite files from TASOC cache into input_folder. This enables users to circumvent the creation of catalog files directly using :py:func:`make_catalog`, which requires the user to be connected to the TASOC internal networks at Aarhus University. This does require that the TASOC personnel have made catalogs available in the cache for the given sector, otherwise this function will throw an error. Parameters: input_folder (str): Target directory to download files into. Should be a TESSPHOT input directory. sector (int): Sector to download catalogs for. camera (int, optional): Camera to download catalogs for. If not specified, all cameras will be downloaded. ccd (int, optional): CCD to download catalogs for. If not specified, all CCDs will be downloaded. Raises: NotADirectoryError: If target directory does not exist. .. codeauthor:: Rasmus Handberg <> """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Check that the target directory exists: if not os.path.isdir(input_folder): raise NotADirectoryError(f"Directory does not exist: '{input_folder:s}'") # Make sure sectors, cameras and ccds are iterable: sectors = to_tuple(sector) cameras = to_tuple(camera, (1,2,3,4)) ccds = to_tuple(ccd, (1,2,3,4)) # Loop through all combinations of sectors, cameras and ccds: for sector, camera, ccd in itertools.product(sectors, cameras, ccds): # File name and path for catalog file: fname = f'catalog_sector{sector:03d}_camera{camera:d}_ccd{ccd:d}.sqlite' fpath = os.path.join(input_folder, fname) # If the file already exists, skip the download: if os.path.exists(fpath): logger.debug("Skipping download of existing catalog: %s", fname) continue # URL for the missing catalog file: url = f'{sector:03d}/{fname:s}' # Download the file using the utilities function: download_file(url, fpath, desc=f'Catalog S{sector:d}-{camera:d}-{ccd:d}')