Source code for photometry.backgrounds

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Estimation of sky background in TESS Full Frame Images.

.. codeauthor:: Rasmus Handberg <>

import logging
import numpy as np
from astropy.stats import SigmaClip
from scipy.stats import binned_statistic
from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline
from photutils import Background2D, SExtractorBackground, BackgroundBase
from statsmodels.nonparametric.kde import KDEUnivariate as KDE
from .utilities import move_median_central
from .io import FFIImage
from . import pixel_flags as pxf

def _reduce_mode(x):
	if len(x) == 0:
		return np.NaN
	x = np.asarray(x, dtype='float64')
	kde = KDE(x)
	except RuntimeError as err:
		# This happens when all points in x have the same value
		if str(err).startswith('Selected KDE bandwidth is 0.'):
			return np.median(x)

[docs] class ModeBackground(BackgroundBase): def _mode(self, data): modes = np.zeros([data.shape[0]]) for i in range(data.shape[0]): kde = KDE(data[i,:]) modes[i] =[np.argmax(kde.density)] return modes
[docs] def calc_background(self, data, axis=None): if self.sigma_clip is not None: data = self.sigma_clip(data, axis=axis) bkg = np.atleast_1d(self._mode(np.asarray(data, dtype='float64'))) return bkg
[docs] def fit_background(image, catalog=None, flux_cutoff=8e4, bkgiters=3, radial_cutoff=2400, radial_pixel_step=15, radial_smooth=3): """ Estimate background in Full Frame Image. The background is estimated using a combination of a 2D estimate of the mode of the images (using background estimator from SExtractor), and a radial component to account for the corner-glow that is present in TESS FFIs. Parameters: image (ndarray or str): Either the image as 2D ndarray or a path to FITS or NPY file where to load image from. catalog (:class:`astropy.table.Table`): Catalog of stars in the image. Is currently not yet being used for anything. flux_cutoff (float): Flux value at which any pixel above will be masked out of the background estimation. bkgiters (int): Number of times to iterate the background components. Default=3. radial_cutoff (float): Radial distance in pixels from camera centre to start using radial component. Default=2400. radial_pixel_step (int): Step sizes to use in radial component. Default=15. radial_smooth (int): Width of median smoothing on radial profile. Default=3. Returns: tuple: - ndarray: Estimated background with the same size as the input image. - ndarray: Boolean array specifying which pixels was used to estimate the background (``True`` if pixel was not used). .. codeauthor:: Rasmus Handberg <> """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Load file: img0 = FFIImage(image) hdr = img0.header # Create mask # TODO: Use the known locations of bright stars mask = img0.mask mask |= ~np.isfinite( mask |= ( > flux_cutoff) mask |= ( < 0) # Mask out pixels marked for manual exclude: mask |= pxf.pixel_manual_exclude(img0) # If the entire image has been masked out, # we should just stop now and return NaNs: if np.all(mask): return np.full_like(img0, np.NaN), mask # Setup background estimator: sigma_clip = SigmaClip(sigma=3.0, maxiters=5) bkg_estimator = SExtractorBackground(sigma_clip) # Create distance-image with distances (in pixels) from the camera centre: use_radial_component = True if img0.is_tess: # Background estimator function to be evaluated in radial coordinates: #stat = lambda x: bkg_estimator.calc_background(x) stat = _reduce_mode # Lookup table for the pixel coordinates of the camera centre with respect # to each CCD in TESS. # This table is created using the average from the WCS in Sector 1 FFIs. # TODO: Isn't it possible to get this in a better/more accurate way? camera = hdr.get('CAMERA') ccd = hdr.get('CCD') xycen = { (1, 1): [2158.222313, 2099.523364], (1, 2): [-5.653058, 2098.018608], (1, 3): [2141.511437, 2099.868226], (1, 4): [-22.406442, 2100.116443], (2, 1): [2148.588316, 2094.033024], (2, 2): [-16.806140, 2095.810070], (2, 3): [2151.351646, 2105.747100], (2, 4): [-13.118570, 2105.982211], (3, 1): [2152.175481, 2092.337442], (3, 2): [-10.494413, 2093.108135], (3, 3): [2145.029218, 2107.883573], (3, 4): [-17.374782, 2105.296746], (4, 1): [2149.259760, 2091.433315], (4, 2): [-12.906931, 2093.350054], (4, 3): [2148.906766, 2110.730620], (4, 4): [-14.629676, 2111.341670], }.get((camera, ccd)) if xycen is None: raise ValueError(f"Invalid CAMERA or CCD in header: CAMERA={camera}, CCD={ccd}") # Create radial coordinates: # Note that these are in "real" coordinates like the ones in the WCS, # but zero-based. xx, yy = np.meshgrid( np.arange(44, img0.shape[1]+44, 1), np.arange(0, img0.shape[0], 1) ) r = np.sqrt((xx - xycen[0])**2 + (yy - xycen[1])**2) # Create the bins in which to evaluate the background estimator: radial_max = np.max(r) + radial_pixel_step bins = np.arange(radial_cutoff, radial_max, radial_pixel_step) bin_center = bins[1:] - radial_pixel_step/2 else: use_radial_component = False bkgiters = 1 # Iterate the radial and square background components: img_bkg_radial = np.asarray(0) img_bkg_square = np.asarray(0) for iters in range(bkgiters): if use_radial_component: # Remove the square component from image for next iteration: img = img0 - img_bkg_square # Evaluate the background estimator in radial rings: # We are working in logarithmic units since the mode estimator seems to # work better in that case. pix = img[~mask].flatten() zeropoint = -np.min(pix) + 1.0 # Make sure all values are non-negative logpix = np.log10(pix + zeropoint) s2, _, _ = binned_statistic( r[~mask].flatten(), logpix, statistic=stat, bins=bins ) # Optionally smooth the radial profile: if radial_smooth: s2 = move_median_central(s2, radial_smooth) # Interpolate the radial curve and reshape back onto the 2D image: indx = ~np.isnan(s2) Ngood = np.sum(indx) if Ngood >= 3: # The required number of points for qubic spline try: intp = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(bin_center[indx], s2[indx], k=3, ext=3) img_bkg_radial = 10**intp(r) - zeropoint except ValueError: logger.exception("Background interpolation failed (N=%d).", Ngood) img_bkg_radial = 0 else: logger.warning("Not enough points for radial interpolation (N=%d).", Ngood) img_bkg_radial = 0 # Run 2D square tiles background estimation: bkg = Background2D(img0 - img_bkg_radial, (64, 64), filter_size=(3, 3), sigma_clip=sigma_clip, bkg_estimator=bkg_estimator, mask=mask, exclude_percentile=50) img_bkg_square = bkg.background # Total background image: img_bkg = img_bkg_radial + img_bkg_square return img_bkg, mask