#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Simple Aperture Photometry using K2P2 to define masks.
.. codeauthor:: Rasmus Handberg <rasmush@phys.au.dk>
import numpy as np
from bottleneck import allnan
import logging
from .. import BasePhotometry, STATUS
from ..utilities import mag2flux
from . import k2p2v2 as k2p2
class AperturePhotometry(BasePhotometry):
Simple Aperture Photometry using K2P2 to define masks.
.. codeauthor:: Rasmus Handberg <rasmush@phys.au.dk>
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
# Call the parent initializing:
# This will set several default settings
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def _minimum_aperture(self):
# Map of valid pixels that can be included:
collected_pixels = (self.aperture & 1 != 0)
# Create minimum 2x2 mask around target position:
cols, rows = self.get_pixel_grid()
mask_main = (( np.abs(cols - self.target_pos_column - 1) <= 1 )
& ( np.abs(rows - self.target_pos_row - 1) <= 1 ))
# Return the 2x2 mask, but only the pixels that are actually collected:
return mask_main & collected_pixels
def do_photometry(self):
"""Perform photometry on the given target.
This function needs to set
* self.lightcurve
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
logger.info("Running aperture photometry...")
k2p2_settings = {
'thresh': 0.8,
'min_no_pixels_in_mask': 4,
'min_for_cluster': 4,
'cluster_radius': np.sqrt(2) + np.finfo(np.float64).eps,
'segmentation': True,
'ws_blur': 0.5,
'ws_thres': 0,
'ws_footprint': 3,
'extend_overflow': True
# For bright saturated stars we allow for more retries:
ExpectedFlux = mag2flux(self.target['tmag'])
haloswitch_tmag_limit = self.settings.getfloat('haloswitch', 'tmag_limit')
haloswitch_flux_limit = self.settings.getfloat('haloswitch', 'flux_limit')
allow_retries = 5
if self.target['tmag'] < 6:
allow_retries = 10
for retries in range(allow_retries):
# Delete any plots left over in the plots folder from an earlier iteration:
# Create the sum-image:
SumImage = self.sumimage
logger.info("Target position in stamp: (%f, %f)",
self.target_pos_row_stamp, self.target_pos_column_stamp )
cat = np.column_stack((
logger.info("Creating new masks...")
masks, background_bandwidth = k2p2.k2p2FixFromSum(SumImage, plot_folder=self.plot_folder, show_plot=False, catalog=cat, **k2p2_settings)
masks = np.asarray(masks, dtype='bool')
except k2p2.K2P2NoStars:
logger.error('No flux above threshold.')
masks = np.asarray(0, dtype='bool')
using_minimum_mask = False
if len(masks.shape) == 0:
logger.warning("No masks found. Using minimum aperture.")
mask_main = self._minimum_aperture()
using_minimum_mask = True
# Look at the central pixel where the target should be:
indx_main = masks[:, int(round(self.target_pos_row_stamp)), int(round(self.target_pos_column_stamp))].flatten()
if not np.any(indx_main):
logger.warning('No mask found for main target. Using minimum aperture.')
mask_main = self._minimum_aperture()
using_minimum_mask = True
elif np.sum(indx_main) > 1:
logger.error('Too many masks.')
# Mask of the main target:
mask_main = masks[indx_main, :, :].reshape(SumImage.shape)
# Find out if we are touching any of the edges:
resize_args = {}
if np.any(mask_main[0, :]):
resize_args['down'] = 10
if np.any(mask_main[-1, :]):
resize_args['up'] = 10
if np.any(mask_main[:, 0]):
resize_args['left'] = 10
if np.any(mask_main[:, -1]):
resize_args['right'] = 10
if resize_args:
logger.info("Touching the edges! Retrying.")
stamp_before = self.stamp
sumimage_before = self.sumimage
if not self.resize_stamp(**resize_args):
resize_args = {}
logger.warning("Could not resize stamp any further.")
# It did resize, but let's just check if it tried
# to resize in a direction, but it hit the limit.
# In that case, let's check if we are already over the "HaloSwitch" limit
# Don't do this for secondary targets though.
if self.target['tmag'] <= haloswitch_tmag_limit and not self.datasource.startswith('tpf:'):
edge = np.zeros_like(mask_main, dtype='bool')
if resize_args.get('down') and self.stamp[0] == stamp_before[0]:
edge[0, :] = True
if resize_args.get('up') and self.stamp[1] == stamp_before[1]:
edge[-1, :] = True
if resize_args.get('left') and self.stamp[2] == stamp_before[2]:
edge[:, 0] = True
if resize_args.get('right') and self.stamp[3] == stamp_before[3]:
edge[:, -1] = True
if np.any(edge):
EdgeFlux = np.nansum(sumimage_before[mask_main & edge])
if EdgeFlux/ExpectedFlux > haloswitch_flux_limit:
logger.error('Stamp resize hit limit. Haloswitch quick break.')
self._details['edge_flux'] = EdgeFlux
# If we reached the last retry but still needed a resize, give up:
if resize_args:
logger.error('Too many stamp resizes.')
# XY of pixels in frame
cols, rows = self.get_pixel_grid()
members = np.column_stack((cols[mask_main], rows[mask_main]))
# Loop through the images and backgrounds together:
for k, (img, imgerr, bck) in enumerate(zip(self.images, self.images_err, self.backgrounds)):
flux_in_cluster = img[mask_main]
# Calculate flux in mask:
if allnan(flux_in_cluster) or np.all(flux_in_cluster == 0):
self.lightcurve['flux'][k] = np.NaN
self.lightcurve['flux_err'][k] = np.NaN
self.lightcurve['pos_centroid'][k, :] = np.NaN
#self.lightcurve['quality'][k] |= ?
self.lightcurve['flux'][k] = np.sum(flux_in_cluster)
self.lightcurve['flux_err'][k] = np.sqrt(np.sum(imgerr[mask_main]**2))
# Calculate flux centroid:
finite_vals = (flux_in_cluster > 0)
if np.any(finite_vals):
self.lightcurve['pos_centroid'][k, :] = np.average(members[finite_vals], weights=flux_in_cluster[finite_vals], axis=0)
self.lightcurve['pos_centroid'][k, :] = np.NaN
if allnan(bck[mask_main]):
self.lightcurve['flux_background'][k] = np.NaN
self.lightcurve['flux_background'][k] = np.nansum(bck[mask_main])
# Save the mask to be stored in the outout file:
self.final_phot_mask = mask_main
self.final_position_mask = mask_main
# Add additional headers specific to this method:
#self.additional_headers['KP_SUBKG'] = (bool(subtract_background), 'K2P2 subtract background?')
self.additional_headers['KP_THRES'] = (k2p2_settings['thresh'], 'K2P2 sum-image threshold')
self.additional_headers['KP_MIPIX'] = (k2p2_settings['min_no_pixels_in_mask'], 'K2P2 min pixels in mask')
self.additional_headers['KP_MICLS'] = (k2p2_settings['min_for_cluster'], 'K2P2 min pix. for cluster')
self.additional_headers['KP_CLSRA'] = (k2p2_settings['cluster_radius'], 'K2P2 cluster radius')
self.additional_headers['KP_WS'] = (bool(k2p2_settings['segmentation']), 'K2P2 watershed segmentation')
#self.additional_headers['KP_WSALG'] = (k2p2_settings['ws_alg'], 'K2P2 watershed weighting')
self.additional_headers['KP_WSBLR'] = (k2p2_settings['ws_blur'], 'K2P2 watershed blur')
self.additional_headers['KP_WSTHR'] = (k2p2_settings['ws_thres'], 'K2P2 watershed threshold')
self.additional_headers['KP_WSFOT'] = (k2p2_settings['ws_footprint'], 'K2P2 watershed footprint')
self.additional_headers['KP_EX'] = (bool(k2p2_settings['extend_overflow']), 'K2P2 extend overflow')
# Targets that are in the mask:
target_in_mask = [k for k,t in enumerate(self.catalog) if np.any(mask_main & (rows == np.round(t['row'])+1) & (cols == np.round(t['column'])+1))]
# Figure out which status to report back:
my_status = STATUS.OK
# Calculate contamination from the other targets in the mask:
if len(target_in_mask) == 0:
logger.error("No targets in mask.")
contamination = np.nan
my_status = STATUS.ERROR
elif len(target_in_mask) == 1 and self.catalog[target_in_mask][0]['starid'] == self.starid:
contamination = 0
# Calculate contamination metric as defined in Lund & Handberg (2014):
mags_in_mask = self.catalog[target_in_mask]['tmag']
mags_total = -2.5*np.log10(np.nansum(10**(-0.4*mags_in_mask)))
contamination = 1.0 - 10**(0.4*(mags_total - self.target['tmag']))
contamination = np.clip(contamination, 0, None) # Avoid stupid signs due to round-off errors
logger.info("Contamination: %f", contamination)
if not np.isnan(contamination):
self.additional_headers['AP_CONT'] = (contamination, 'AP contamination')
# Check if there are other targets in the mask that could then be skipped from
# processing, and report this back to the TaskManager. The TaskManager will decide
# if this means that this target or the other targets should be skipped in the end.
skip_targets = [t['starid'] for t in self.catalog[target_in_mask] if t['starid'] != self.starid]
if skip_targets:
logger.info("These stars could be skipped: %s", skip_targets)
# Figure out which status to report back:
if using_minimum_mask:
my_status = STATUS.WARNING
# Return whether you think it went well:
return my_status