Source code for photometry.AperturePhotometry.k2p2v2

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
K2 Pixel Photometry (K2P\ :sup:`2`)

Create pixel masks and extract light curves from Kepler and K2 pixel data
using clustering algorithms.

To read more about the methods used, please see the following papers:

* Lund et al. (2015): K2P\ :sup:`2` - A photometric pipeline for the K2 mission `<>`_
* Handberg & Lund (2017): K2P\ :sup:`2`: Reduced data from campaigns 0-4 of the K2 mission `<>`_

* If number of clusters > max_cluster then only save max_cluster largest
* What to do if more clusters associate with same known star?
* more use of quality flags when they arrive
* uniqueness of pixel-cluster-membership when extending overflow columns
* wcs routine
* estimate magnitude of other stars

.. codeauthor:: Rasmus Handberg <>
.. codeauthor:: Mikkel Lund <>

import os
import logging
import copy
import numpy as np
from bottleneck import nanmedian
from scipy import stats, ndimage
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from statsmodels.nonparametric.kde import KDEUnivariate as KDE
from statsmodels.nonparametric.bandwidths import select_bandwidth
from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN
from skimage.feature import peak_local_max
from skimage.segmentation import watershed
from ..plots import plt, plot_image, plot_outline, save_figure
import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
from ..utilities import mad_to_sigma

# Constants and settings

# Saturation limit (magnitudes) above which we allow targets
# to extend their overflow columns:
saturation_limit = 7.0

# Exceptions

# Custom exceptions we may raise:
[docs] class K2P2NoFlux(Exception): pass
[docs] class K2P2NoStars(Exception): pass
[docs] def run_DBSCAN(X2, Y2, cluster_radius, min_for_cluster): """ Run the DBSCAN clustering algorithm. Parameters: cluster_radius (float): Radius from each point to consider inside cluster. min_for_cluster (int): Minimum number of points to consider a cluster. Returns: ndarray: Coordinates of points. ndarray: Labels of each point. ndarray: Boolean array which is `True` if the correspondig point is considered a core point. """ XX = np.array([[x,y] for x,y in zip(X2,Y2)]) db = DBSCAN(eps=cluster_radius, min_samples=min_for_cluster) core_samples_mask = np.zeros_like(db.labels_, dtype=bool) core_samples_mask[db.core_sample_indices_] = True labels = db.labels_ # Number of clusters in labels, ignoring noise if present. return XX, labels, core_samples_mask
[docs] def k2p2WS(X, Y, X2, Y2, flux0, XX, labels, core_samples_mask, saturated_masks=None, ws_thres=0.1, ws_footprint=3, ws_blur=0.5, ws_alg='flux', output_folder=None, catalog=None): """ Segment clusters using Watershed. """ if ws_alg not in ('dist', 'flux'): raise ValueError(f"Unknown watershed algorithm: '{ws_alg}'") # Get logger for printing messages: logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) unique_labels_ini = set(labels) XX2 = np.array([[x,y] for x,y in zip(X.flatten(),Y.flatten())]) Labels = np.ones_like(flux0)*-2 Labels[XX[:,1], XX[:,0]] = labels Core_samples_mask = np.zeros_like(Labels, dtype=bool) Core_samples_mask[XX[:,1], XX[:,0]] = core_samples_mask # Set all non-core points to noise Labels[~Core_samples_mask] = -1 max_label = np.max(labels) for i, lab in enumerate(unique_labels_ini): if lab == -1 or lab == -2: continue # select class members - non-core members have been set to noise class_member_mask = (Labels == lab).flatten() xy = XX2[class_member_mask,:] Z = np.zeros_like(flux0, dtype='float64') Z[xy[:,1], xy[:,0]] = flux0[xy[:,1], xy[:,0]] # y=row, x=column if ws_alg == 'dist': distance0 = ndimage.distance_transform_edt(Z) elif ws_alg == 'flux': distance0 = Z if catalog is not None: # Smooth the basin image with Gaussian filter: distance = ndimage.gaussian_filter(distance0, ws_blur) local_maxi = np.zeros_like(flux0, dtype='bool') # Find maxima in the basin image to use for markers: # Returns an array representing peak coordinates (sorted by largest first) local_maxi_loc = peak_local_max(distance, exclude_border=False, threshold_rel=ws_thres, footprint=np.ones((ws_footprint, ws_footprint))) for c in catalog: d = np.sqrt( (local_maxi_loc[:,1] - c[0])**2 + (local_maxi_loc[:,0] - c[1])**2 ) indx = np.argmin(d) if c[2] > saturation_limit: dist_factor = 2.0 else: dist_factor = 5.0 if d[indx] < dist_factor*np.sqrt(2): local_maxi[local_maxi_loc[indx,0], local_maxi_loc[indx,1]] = True """ for m in local_maxi_loc: d = np.sqrt( (m[1] - catalog[:,0])**2 + (m[0] - catalog[:,1])**2 ) indx = np.argmin(d) if catalog[indx,2] > saturation_limit: dist_factor = 2.0 else: dist_factor = 5.0 if d[indx] < dist_factor*np.sqrt(2): # The position of the catalog star rounded to nearest pixel: col = int(np.round(catalog[indx,0])) row = int(np.round(catalog[indx,1])) # If the catalog position is outside the image, # move the basin bottom to the edge of the image instead: row = np.clip(row, 0, flux0.shape[0]-1) col = np.clip(col, 0, flux0.shape[1]-1) # Mark pixel as a basin bottom: local_maxi[row, col] = True """ else: # Smooth the basin image with Gaussian filter: distance = ndimage.gaussian_filter(distance0, ws_blur) # Find maxima in the basin image to use for markers: # local_maxi is a boolean array shaped as image.shape # with peaks present at True elements # (in skimage version < 0.20 this was made with indicies=False) local_maxi_idx = peak_local_max(distance, exclude_border=False, threshold_rel=ws_thres, footprint=np.ones((ws_footprint, ws_footprint))) local_maxi = np.zeros_like(distance, dtype='bool') local_maxi[tuple(local_maxi_idx.T)] = True # If masks of saturated pixels are provided, clean out in the # found local maxima to make sure only one is found within # each patch of saturated pixels: if saturated_masks is not None and lab in saturated_masks: saturated_pixels = saturated_masks[lab] # Split the saturated pixels up into patches that are connected: sat_labels, numfeatures = ndimage.label(saturated_pixels) # Loop through the patches of saturated pixels: for k in range(1, numfeatures+1): # This mask of saturated pixels: sp = saturated_pixels & (sat_labels == k) # Check if there is more than one local maximum found # within this patch of saturated pixels: if np.sum(local_maxi & sp) > 1: # Find the local maximum with the highest value that is also saturated: imax = np.unravel_index(np.nanargmax(distance * local_maxi * sp), distance.shape) # Only keep the maximum with the highest value and remove all # the others if they are saturated: local_maxi[sp] = False local_maxi[imax] = True # Assign markers/labels to the found maxima: markers = ndimage.label(local_maxi)[0] # Check if no maxima has been selected at all: if np.all(local_maxi == 0): logger.error("No maxima were found as basins for watershed!") # Set all cluster points to noise, so the cluster is effectively rejected: Labels[xy[:,1], xy[:,0]] = -1 labels_ws = Labels else: # Run the watershed segmentation algorithm on the negative # of the basin image: labels_ws = watershed(-distance0, markers, mask=Z) # The number of masks after the segmentation: no_labels = len(set(labels_ws.flatten())) # Set all original cluster points to noise, in this way things that in the # end is not associated with a "new" cluster will not be used any more Labels[xy[:,1], xy[:,0]] = -1 # Use the original label for a part of the new cluster - if only # one cluster is identified by the watershed algorithm this will then # keep the original labeling idx = (labels_ws == 1) & (Z != 0) Labels[idx] = lab # If the cluster is segmented we will assign these new labels, starting from # the highest original label + 1 for u in range(no_labels-2): max_label += 1 idx = (labels_ws == u+2) & (Z != 0) Labels[idx] = max_label labels_new = Labels[Y2, X2] unique_labels = set(labels_new) NoCluster = len(unique_labels) - (1 if -1 in labels_new else 0) # Create plot of the watershed segmentation: if output_folder is not None: fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=3, figsize=(14, 6)) fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.12, wspace=0.12) ax0, ax1, ax2 = axes plot_image(Z, ax=ax0, scale='log', title='Overlapping objects') # Plot the basin used for watershed: plot_image(distance, ax=ax1, scale='log', title='Basin') # Overplot the full catalog: if catalog is not None: ax1.scatter(catalog[:,0], catalog[:,1], color='y', s=5, alpha=0.3) #if local_maxi_all is not None: # print(local_maxi_all) # ax1.scatter(X[local_maxi_all[:,0]], Y[local_maxi_all[:,1]], color='g', marker='+', s=5, alpha=0.5) #ax1.scatter(X[local_maxi_before], Y[local_maxi_before], color='c', s=5, alpha=0.7) # Overplot the final markers for the watershed: ax1.scatter(X[local_maxi], Y[local_maxi], color='r', s=5, alpha=0.7) plot_image(labels_ws, ax=ax2, scale='linear', percentile=100, cmap='nipy_spectral', title='Separated objects') for ax in axes: ax.set_xticklabels([]) ax.set_yticklabels([]) figname = 'seperated_cluster_%d' % i save_figure(os.path.join(output_folder, figname), fig=fig) plt.close(fig) return labels_new, unique_labels, NoCluster
[docs] def k2p2_saturated(SumImage, MASKS, idx): # Get logger for printing messages: logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) no_masks = MASKS.shape[0] column_mask = np.zeros_like(SumImage, dtype='bool') saturated_mask = np.zeros_like(MASKS, dtype='bool') pixels_added = 0 # Loop through the different masks: for u in range(no_masks): # Create binary version of mask and extract # the rows and columns which it spans and # the highest value in it: mask = np.asarray(MASKS[u, :, :], dtype='bool') mask_rows, mask_columns = np.where(mask) mask_max = np.nanmax(SumImage[mask]) # Loop through the columns of the mask: for c in set(mask_columns): column_mask[:, c] = True # Extract the pixels that are in this column and in the mask: pixels = SumImage[mask & column_mask] # Calculate ratio as defined in Lund & Handberg (2014): ratio = np.abs(nanmedian(np.diff(pixels)))/np.nanmax(pixels) if ratio < 0.01 and nanmedian(pixels) >= mask_max/2: logger.debug("Column %d - RATIO = %f - Saturated", c, ratio) # Has significant flux and is in saturated column: add_to_mask = (idx & column_mask) # Make sure the pixels we add are directly connected to the highest flux pixel: new_mask_labels, numfeatures = ndimage.label(add_to_mask) imax = np.unravel_index(np.nanargmax(SumImage * mask * column_mask), SumImage.shape) add_to_mask &= (new_mask_labels == new_mask_labels[imax]) # Modify the mask: pixels_added += np.sum(add_to_mask) - np.sum(mask[column_mask]) logger.debug(" %d pixels should be added to column %d", np.sum(add_to_mask) - np.sum(mask[column_mask]), c) saturated_mask[u][add_to_mask] = True else: logger.debug("Column %d - RATIO = %f", c, ratio) column_mask[:, c] = False return saturated_mask, pixels_added
[docs] def k2p2FixFromSum(SumImage, thresh=1, output_folder=None, plot_folder=None, show_plot=True, min_no_pixels_in_mask=8, min_for_cluster=4, cluster_radius=np.sqrt(2), segmentation=True, ws_alg='flux', ws_blur=0.5, ws_thres=0.05, ws_footprint=3, extend_overflow=True, catalog=None): """ Create pixel masks from Sum-image. Parameters: SumImage (ndarray): Sum-image. thres (float, optional): Threshold for significant flux. The threshold is calculated as MODE+thres*MAD. Default=1. output_folder (string, optional): Path to directory where output should be saved. Default=None. plot_folder (string, optional): Path to directory where plots should be saved. Default=None. show_plot (boolean, optional): Should plots be shown to the user? Default=True. min_no_pixels_in_mask (integer, optional): Minimim number of pixels to constitute a mask. min_for_cluster (integer, optional): Minimum number of pixels to be considered a cluster in DBSCAN clustering. cluster_radius (float, optional): Radius around points to consider cluster in DBSCAN clustering. segmentation (boolean, optional): Perform segmentation of clusters using Watershed segmentation. ws_alg (string, optional): Watershed method to use. Default='flux'. ws_thres (float, optional): Threshold for watershed segmentation. ws_footprint (integer, optional): Footprint to use in watershed segmentation. extend_overflow (boolean, optional): Enable extension of overflow columns for bright stars. catalog (ndarray, optional): Catalog of stars as an array with three columns (column, row and magnitude). If this is provided the results will only allow masks to be returned for stars in the catalog and the information is also used in the extension of overflow columns. Returns: tuple: Tuple with two elements: A 3D boolean ndarray of masks and a float indicating the bandwidth used for the estimation background-levels. .. codeauthor:: Rasmus Handberg <> .. codeauthor:: Mikkel Lund <> """ # Get logger for printing messages: logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)"Creating masks from sum-image...") NY, NX = np.shape(SumImage) ori_mask = ~np.isnan(SumImage) X, Y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(NX), np.arange(NY)) # Cut out pixels from sum image which were collected and contains flux # and flatten the 2D image to 1D array: Flux = SumImage[ori_mask].flatten() Flux = Flux[Flux > 0] # Check if there was actually any flux measured: if len(Flux) == 0: raise K2P2NoFlux("No measured flux in sum-image") # Cut away the top 15% of the fluxes: flux_cut = stats.trim1(np.sort(Flux), 0.15) # Also do a cut on the absolute values of pixel - This helps in cases where # the image is dominated by saturated pixels. The exact value is of course # in principle dependent on the CCD, but we have found this value to be # reasonable in TESS simulated data: flux_cut = flux_cut[flux_cut < 70000] # Estimate the bandwidth we are going to use for the background: background_bandwidth = select_bandwidth(flux_cut, bw='scott', kernel='gau') logger.debug(" Sum-image KDE bandwidth: %f", background_bandwidth) # Make the Kernel Density Estimation of the fluxes: kernel = KDE(flux_cut)'gau', bw=background_bandwidth, fft=True, gridsize=100) # MODE def kernel_opt(x): return -1*kernel.evaluate(x) max_guess =[np.argmax(kernel.density)] MODE = minimize(kernel_opt, max_guess, method='Powell').x # MAD (around mode) MAD1 = mad_to_sigma * nanmedian( np.abs( Flux[(Flux < MODE)] - MODE ) ) # Define the cutoff above which pixels are regarded significant: CUT = MODE + thresh * MAD1 logger.debug(" Threshold used: %f", thresh) logger.debug(" Flux cut is: %f", CUT) if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) and plot_folder is not None: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.fill_between(, kernel.density, alpha=0.3) ax.axvline(MODE, color='k') ax.axvline(CUT, color='r') ax.set_xlabel('Flux') ax.set_ylabel('Distribution') save_figure(os.path.join(plot_folder, 'flux_distribution'), fig=fig) plt.close(fig) #========================================================================== # Find and seperate clusters of pixels #========================================================================== # Cut out pixels of sum image with flux above the cut-off: # The following two lines are identical to "idx = (SumImage > CUT)", # but in this way we avoid an RuntimeWarning when SumImage contains NaNs. idx = np.zeros_like(SumImage, dtype='bool') np.greater(SumImage, CUT, out=idx, where=~np.isnan(SumImage)) X2 = X[idx] Y2 = Y[idx] if np.all(~idx): raise K2P2NoStars("No flux above threshold") logger.debug(" Min for cluster is: %f", min_for_cluster) logger.debug(" Cluster radius is: %f", cluster_radius) # Run clustering algorithm XX, labels_ini, core_samples_mask = run_DBSCAN(X2, Y2, cluster_radius, min_for_cluster) # Run watershed segmentation algorithm: # Demand that there was any non-noise clusters found. if segmentation and any(labels_ini != -1): # Create a set of dummy-masks that are made up of the clusters # that were found by DBSCAN, meaning that there could be masks # with several stars in them: DUMMY_MASKS = np.zeros((0, NY, NX), dtype='bool') DUMMY_MASKS_LABELS = [] m = np.zeros_like(SumImage, dtype='bool') for lab in set(labels_ini): if lab == -1: continue # Create "image" of this mask: m[:,:] = False for x,y in XX[labels_ini == lab]: m[y, x] = True # Append them to lists: DUMMY_MASKS = np.append(DUMMY_MASKS, [m], axis=0) DUMMY_MASKS_LABELS.append(lab) # Run the dummy masks through the detection of saturated columns: logger.debug("Detecting saturated columns in non-segmentated masks...") smask, _ = k2p2_saturated(SumImage, DUMMY_MASKS, idx) # Create dictionary that will map a label to the mask of saturated pixels: if np.any(smask): saturated_masks = {} for u,sm in enumerate(smask): saturated_masks[DUMMY_MASKS_LABELS[u]] = sm else: saturated_masks = None # Run the mask segmentaion algorithm on the found clusters: labels, unique_labels, NoCluster = k2p2WS( X, Y, X2, Y2, SumImage, XX, labels_ini, core_samples_mask, saturated_masks=saturated_masks, ws_thres=ws_thres, ws_footprint=ws_footprint, ws_blur=ws_blur, ws_alg=ws_alg, output_folder=plot_folder, catalog=catalog ) else: labels = labels_ini unique_labels = set(labels) #NoCluster = len(unique_labels) - (1 if -1 in labels else 0) # Make sure it is a tuple and not a set - much easier to work with: unique_labels = tuple(unique_labels) # Create list of clusters and their number of pixels: No_pix_sort = np.zeros([len(unique_labels), 2]) for u,lab in enumerate(unique_labels): No_pix_sort[u, 0] = np.sum(labels == lab) No_pix_sort[u, 1] = lab # Only select the clusters that have enough pixels and are not noise: cluster_select = (No_pix_sort[:, 0] >= min_no_pixels_in_mask) & (No_pix_sort[:, 1] != -1) no_masks = sum(cluster_select) No_pix_sort = No_pix_sort[cluster_select, :] # No masks were found, so return None: if no_masks == 0: MASKS = None else: # Sort the clusters by the number of pixels: cluster_sort = np.argsort(No_pix_sort[:, 0]) No_pix_sort = No_pix_sort[cluster_sort[::-1], :] # Create 3D array that will hold masks for each target: MASKS = np.zeros((no_masks, NY, NX)) for u in range(no_masks): lab = No_pix_sort[u, 1] class_member_mask = (labels == lab) xy = XX[class_member_mask, :] MASKS[u, xy[:,1], xy[:,0]] = 1 #========================================================================== # Fill holes in masks #========================================================================== pattern = np.array([[[0, 0.25, 0],[0.25, 0, 0.25],[0, 0.25, 0]]]) # 3D array - shape=(1, 3, 3) mask_holes_indx = ndimage.convolve(MASKS, pattern, mode='constant', cval=0.0) mask_holes_indx = (mask_holes_indx > 0.95) & (MASKS == 0) # Should be exactly 1.0, but let's assume some round-off errors if np.any(mask_holes_indx):"Filling %d holes in the masks", np.sum(mask_holes_indx)) MASKS[mask_holes_indx] = 1 if plot_folder is not None: # Create image showing all masks at different levels: img = np.zeros((NY,NX)) for r in np.transpose(np.where(MASKS > 0)): img[r[1], r[2]] = r[0]+1 # Plot everything together: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) plot_image(img, ax=ax, scale='linear', percentile=100, cmap='nipy_spectral', title='Holes in mask filled') # Create outline of filled holes: for hole in np.transpose(np.where(mask_holes_indx)): cen = (hole[2]-0.5, hole[1]-0.5) ax.add_patch(mpl.patches.Rectangle(cen, 1, 1, color='k', lw=2, fill=False, hatch='//')) save_figure(os.path.join(plot_folder, 'mask_filled_holes'), fig=fig) plt.close(fig) #========================================================================== # Entend overflow lanes #========================================================================== if extend_overflow: logger.debug("Detecting saturated columns in masks...") # Find pixels that are saturated in each mask and find out if they should # be added to the mask: saturated_mask, pixels_added = k2p2_saturated(SumImage, MASKS, idx)"Overflow will add %d pixels in total to the masks.", pixels_added) # If we have a catalog of stars, we will only allow stars above the saturation # limit to get their masks extended: if catalog is not None: # Filter that catalog, only keeping stars actully inside current image: c = np.asarray(np.round(catalog[:, 0]), dtype='int32') r = np.asarray(np.round(catalog[:, 1]), dtype='int32') tmag = catalog[:, 2] indx = (c >= 0) & (c < SumImage.shape[1]) & (r >= 0) & (r < SumImage.shape[0]) c = c[indx] r = r[indx] tmag = tmag[indx] # Loop through the masks: for u in range(no_masks): if np.any(saturated_mask[u, :, :]): # Find out which stars fall inside this mask: which_stars = np.asarray(MASKS[u, :, :][r, c], dtype='bool') if np.any(which_stars): # Only allow extension of columns if the combined light of # the targets in the mask exceeds the saturation limit: mags_in_mask = tmag[which_stars] mags_total = -2.5*np.log10(np.nansum(10**(-0.4*mags_in_mask))) if mags_total > saturation_limit: # The combined magnitude of the targets is now # above saturation saturated_mask[u, :, :] = False else: # Do not add saturation columns if no stars were found: saturated_mask[u, :, :] = False # If we are going to plot later on, make a note # of how the outline of the masks looked before # changing anything: if plot_folder is not None and logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): outline_before = [plot_outline(MASKS[u,:,:]) for u in range(no_masks)] # Add the saturated pixels to the masks: MASKS[saturated_mask] = 1 # If we are running as DEBUG, output some plots as well: if plot_folder is not None and logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug("Plotting overflow figures...") Ypixel = np.arange(NY) for u in range(no_masks): mask = np.asarray(MASKS[u, :, :], dtype='bool') mask_rows, mask_columns = np.where(mask) mask_max = np.nanmax(SumImage[mask]) with PdfPages(os.path.join(plot_folder, 'overflow_mask' + str(u) + '.pdf')) as pdf: for c in sorted(set(mask_columns)): column_rows = mask_rows[mask_columns == c] title = "Mask %d - Column %d" % (u, c) if np.any(saturated_mask[u,:,c]): title += " - Saturated" fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14,6)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121) ax1.axvspan(np.min(column_rows)-0.5, np.max(column_rows)+0.5, color='0.7') ax1.plot(Ypixel, SumImage[:, c], 'ro-', drawstyle='steps-mid') ax1.set_title(title) ax1.set_xlabel('Y pixels') ax1.set_ylabel('Sum-image counts') ax1.set_ylim(0, mask_max) ax1.set_xlim(-0.5, NY-0.5) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122) plot_image(SumImage, ax=ax2, scale='log') ax2.plot(outline_before[u][:,0], outline_before[u][:,1], 'r:') # The outline of the mask after saturated columns have been # corrected for: plot_outline(mask, ax=ax2, c='r') ax2.axvline(c, color='r', ls='--') pdf.savefig(fig) plt.close(fig) #============================================================================== # Create plots #============================================================================== if plot_folder is not None: # Colors to use for each cluster label: cmap_rainbow = copy.copy(plt.get_cmap('gist_rainbow')) colors = cmap_rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, len(unique_labels))) # Set up figure to hold subplots: aspect = 0.5 if NY/NX > 5 else 0.2 fig0 = plt.figure(figsize=(2*plt.figaspect(aspect))) fig0.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.12) # --------------- # PLOT 1 ax0 = fig0.add_subplot(151) plot_image(SumImage, ax=ax0, scale='log', title='Sum-image') # --------------- # PLOT 2 idx = np.zeros_like(SumImage, dtype='bool') np.greater(SumImage, CUT, out=idx, where=~np.isnan(SumImage)) Flux_mat2 = np.zeros_like(SumImage) Flux_mat2[~idx] = 1 Flux_mat2[idx] = 2 Flux_mat2[ori_mask == 0] = 0 ax2 = fig0.add_subplot(152) plot_image(Flux_mat2, ax=ax2, scale='linear', percentile=100, cmap='nipy_spectral', title='Significant flux') # --------------- # PLOT 3 ax2 = fig0.add_subplot(153) Flux_mat4 = np.zeros_like(SumImage) for u,lab in enumerate(unique_labels): class_member_mask = (labels == lab) xy = XX[class_member_mask,:] if lab == -1: # Black used for noise. ax2.plot(xy[:, 0], xy[:, 1], '+', markerfacecolor='k', markeredgecolor='k', markersize=5) else: Flux_mat4[xy[:,1], xy[:,0]] = u+1 ax2.plot(xy[:, 0], xy[:, 1], 'o', markerfacecolor=tuple(colors[u]), markeredgecolor='k', markersize=5) ax2.set_title("Clustering + Watershed") ax2.set_xlim([-0.5, SumImage.shape[1]-0.5]) ax2.set_ylim([-0.5, SumImage.shape[0]-0.5]) ax2.set_aspect('equal') # --------------- # PLOT 4 ax4 = fig0.add_subplot(154) plot_image(Flux_mat4, ax=ax4, scale='linear', percentile=100, cmap='nipy_spectral', title='Extracted clusters') # --------------- # PLOT 5 ax5 = fig0.add_subplot(155) plot_image(SumImage, ax=ax5, scale='log', title='Final masks') # Plot outlines of selected masks: for u in range(no_masks): # Get the color associated with this label: col = colors[ int(np.where(unique_labels == No_pix_sort[u, 1])[0]) ] # Make mask outline: outline = plot_outline(MASKS[u, :, :]) # Plot outlines: ax5.plot(outline[:, 0], outline[:, 1], color=col, zorder=10, lw=2.5) ax4.plot(outline[:, 0], outline[:, 1], color='k', zorder=10, lw=1.5) # Save the figure and close it: save_figure(os.path.join(plot_folder, 'masks_' + ws_alg), fig=fig0) if show_plot: else: plt.close('all') return MASKS, background_bandwidth