Source code for dataval.dataval

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Data Validation module for TASOC Pipeline.

.. codeauthor:: Mikkel N. Lund <>
.. codeauthor:: Rasmus Handberg <>

import os
import logging
import numpy as np
import sqlite3
from tqdm import tqdm
import itertools

# Plotting:
from .plots import matplotlib as mpl, plots_interactive

# Data Validation methods in separate sub-packages:
from .noise_metrics import noise_metrics
from .pixinaperture import pixinaperture
from .stampsize import stampsize
from .contam import contam
from .mag_dist import mag_dist
from .mag2flux import mag2flux
from .cleanup import cleanup
from .camera_overlap import camera_overlap
from .calctime import calctime, calctime_corrections
from .waittime import waittime
from .haloswitch import haloswitch

# Local packages:
from .status import STATUS
from .quality import DatavalQualityFlags
from .utilities import CounterFilter, find_lightcurve_files
from .version import get_version

[docs] class DataValidation(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, todo_file, output_folder=None, corr=False, validate=True, colorbysector=False, ext='png', showplots=False, sysnoise=5.0): """ Initialize DataValidation object. Parameters: todo_file (str): TODO-file or directory to load from. output_folder (str): Directory in which to place output. corr (bool): Include corrected data checks. Default is False. validate (bool): Save validation in TODO-file. Default is True. colorbysector (bool): Color relevant plots by sector instead of the defaults. ext (str): File-extension of plots. Default is ``'png'``. showplots (bool): Show plots? Defaults is ``False``. sysnoise (float): Systematic noise level for noise model. Default is 5 ppm/hr. .. codeauthor:: Rasmus Handberg <> """ logger = logging.getLogger('dataval') # Store inputs: if os.path.isdir(todo_file): # If it was just a directory, then append the default todo-file: self.input_folder = os.path.abspath(todo_file) todo_file = os.path.join(self.input_folder, 'todo.sqlite') else: self.input_folder = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(todo_file)) self.extension = ext = showplots self.outfolder = output_folder self.sysnoise = sysnoise self.doval = validate self.color_by_sector = colorbysector self.corr = corr self.corr_method = None # Other settings: self.random_seed = 2187 self._random_state = None if self.corr: self.dataval_table = 'datavalidation_corr' subdir = 'corr' else: self.dataval_table = 'datavalidation_raw' subdir = 'raw' if not self.doval: self.dataval_table += '_temp' logfilename = 'dataval.log' else: logfilename = 'dataval_save.log' # Make sure it is an absolute path: todo_file = os.path.abspath(todo_file)"Loading input data from '%s'", todo_file) if not os.path.isfile(todo_file): raise FileNotFoundError(f"TODO file not found: '{todo_file}'") # Open the SQLite file: self.conn = sqlite3.connect(todo_file) self.conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row self.cursor = self.conn.cursor() self.cursor.execute("PRAGMA foreign_keys=ON;") # Check if corrections have been run: self.cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='diagnostics_corr';") self.corrections_done = bool(self.cursor.fetchone()[0] == 1) if self.corr and not self.corrections_done: self.close() raise ValueError("Can not run dataval on corr when corrections have not been run") # Add method_used to the diagnostics table if it doesn't exist: self.cursor.execute("PRAGMA table_info(diagnostics)") if 'method_used' not in [r['name'] for r in self.cursor.fetchall()]: # Since this one is NOT NULL, we have to do some magic to fill out the # new column after creation, by finding keywords in other columns. # This can be a pretty slow process, but it only has to be done once. logger.debug("Adding method_used column to diagnostics") self.cursor.execute("ALTER TABLE diagnostics ADD COLUMN method_used TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT 'aperture';") for m in ('aperture', 'halo', 'psf', 'linpsf'): self.cursor.execute("UPDATE diagnostics SET method_used=? WHERE priority IN (SELECT priority FROM todolist WHERE method=?);", [m, m]) self.cursor.execute("UPDATE diagnostics SET method_used='halo' WHERE method_used='aperture' AND errors LIKE '%Automatically switched to Halo photometry%';") self.conn.commit() # Add the CADENCE column to todolist, if it doesn't exist: # This is only for backwards compatibility. self.cursor.execute("PRAGMA table_info(todolist)") existing_columns = [r['name'] for r in self.cursor.fetchall()] if 'cadence' not in existing_columns: logger.debug("Adding CADENCE column to todolist") self.cursor.execute("ALTER TABLE todolist ADD COLUMN cadence INTEGER DEFAULT NULL;") self.cursor.execute("UPDATE todolist SET cadence=1800 WHERE datasource='ffi' AND sector < 27;") self.cursor.execute("UPDATE todolist SET cadence=600 WHERE datasource='ffi' AND sector >= 27 AND sector <= 55;") self.cursor.execute("UPDATE todolist SET cadence=120 WHERE datasource!='ffi' AND sector < 27;") self.cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) AS antal FROM todolist WHERE cadence IS NULL;") if self.cursor.fetchone()['antal'] > 0: self.close() raise ValueError("TODO-file does not contain CADENCE information and it could not be determined automatically. Please recreate TODO-file.") self.conn.commit() # Get the corrector that was run on this TODO-file, if the corr_settings table is available: if self.corr: self.cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='corr_settings';") if self.cursor.fetchone()[0] == 1: self.cursor.execute("SELECT corrector FROM corr_settings LIMIT 1;") row = self.cursor.fetchone() if row is not None and row['corrector'] is not None: self.corr_method = row['corrector'].strip() subdir += '-' + row['corrector'].strip() # Create table for data-validation: # Depending if we are saving the results or not (self.doval) we are creating # it either as a real table, or as a TEMPORARY table, which will only exist in memory # as long as the database connection is opened."Creating datavalidation table...") self.cursor.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' + self.dataval_table + ';') if self.doval: self.cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + self.dataval_table + """ ( priority INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ASC NOT NULL, dataval INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, approved BOOLEAN, FOREIGN KEY (priority) REFERENCES todolist(priority) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE );""") else: # Temporary tables can not use foreign keys to real tables, which is why # we are not putting in the same foreign key here. self.cursor.execute("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE " + self.dataval_table + """ ( priority INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ASC NOT NULL, dataval INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, approved BOOLEAN );""") # Fill out the table with zero dataval and NULL in approved:"Initializing datavalidation table...") self.cursor.execute("INSERT INTO " + self.dataval_table + " (priority) SELECT priority FROM todolist;") self.conn.commit() # Create a couple of indicies on the two columns:"Creating indicies on datavalidation table...") self.cursor.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS " + self.dataval_table + "_approved_idx ON " + self.dataval_table + " (approved);") self.cursor.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS " + self.dataval_table + "_dataval_idx ON " + self.dataval_table + " (dataval);") self.conn.commit()"Creating lightcurve indicies...") self.cursor.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS diagnostics_lightcurve_idx ON diagnostics (lightcurve);") if self.corrections_done: self.cursor.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS diagnostics_corr_lightcurve_idx ON diagnostics_corr (lightcurve);") self.conn.commit() # Create output directory: if self.outfolder is None: self.outfolder = os.path.join(self.input_folder, 'data_validation', subdir) os.makedirs(self.outfolder, exist_ok=True)"Putting output data in '%s'", self.outfolder) # Also write any logging output to the formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(levelname)-7s - %(funcName)-10.10s - %(message)s') self._filehandler = logging.FileHandler(os.path.join(self.outfolder, logfilename), mode='w') self._filehandler.setFormatter(formatter) self._filehandler.setLevel(logging.INFO) logger.addHandler(self._filehandler) # Add a CounterFilter to the logger, which will count the number of log-records # being passed through the logger. Can be used to count the number of errors/warnings: self._counterfilter = CounterFilter() logger.addFilter(self._counterfilter) # Log the version of the data validation being run:"Data Validation version: %s", get_version()) # Write to log if we are saving or not: if self.doval:"Saving final validations in TODO-file.") else:"Not saving final validations in TODO-file.") # Get the range of Tmags in the tables: tmag_limits = self.search_database(select=['MIN(tmag) AS tmag_min', 'MAX(tmag) AS tmag_max'])[0] self.tmag_limits = (tmag_limits['tmag_min']-0.5, tmag_limits['tmag_max']+0.5) # Get the distinct list of available cadences: self.cadences = self.search_database(select='cadence', distinct=True, order_by='cadence') self.cadences = [int(cad['cadence']) for cad in self.cadences] # Plot settings: if plots_interactive(), 'dataval.mplstyle')) mpl.rcParams['savefig.format'] = self.extension
#---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __enter__(self): return self #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __exit__(self, *args): self.close() #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __del__(self): self.close() #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def close(self): """Close DataValidation object and all associated objects."""'default') if hasattr(self, 'cursor'): try: self.cursor.close() except sqlite3.ProgrammingError: pass if hasattr(self, 'conn'): self.conn.close() # Close the logging FileHandler: if hasattr(self, '_filehandler'): logger = logging.getLogger('dataval') self._filehandler.close() logger.removeHandler(self._filehandler)
#---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def logcounts(self): return self._counterfilter.counter #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def random_state(self): if self._random_state is None: self._random_state = np.random.default_rng(self.random_seed) return self._random_state #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def search_database(self, select=None, search=None, order_by=None, limit=None, distinct=False, joins=None): """ Search list of lightcurves and return a list of tasks/stars matching the given criteria. Parameters: search (list of strings or None): Conditions to apply to the selection of stars from the database. order_by (list, string or None): Column to order the database output by. limit (int or None): Maximum number of rows to retrieve from the database. If limit is None, all the rows are retrieved. distinct (boolean): Boolean indicating if the query should return unique elements only. Returns: list of dicts: Returns all stars retrieved by the call to the database as dicts/tasks that can be consumed directly by load_lightcurve .. codeauthor:: Rasmus Handberg <> """ logger = logging.getLogger('dataval') # Which columns to select from the tables: if select is None: select = '*' elif isinstance(select, (list, tuple)): select = ",".join(select) # Search constraints: # Default is to only pass through targets that made the last step successfully default_search = ['status IN (1,3)'] if self.corr: default_search.append('corr_status IN (1,3)') if isinstance(search, str): search = [search,] search = default_search if search is None else default_search + search search = "WHERE " + " AND ".join(search) if order_by is None: order_by = '' elif isinstance(order_by, (list, tuple)): order_by = " ORDER BY " + ",".join(order_by) elif isinstance(order_by, str): order_by = " ORDER BY " + order_by limit = '' if limit is None else " LIMIT %d" % limit # Which tables to join together: default_joins = ['INNER JOIN diagnostics ON todolist.priority=diagnostics.priority'] if self.corrections_done: default_joins.append('LEFT JOIN diagnostics_corr ON todolist.priority=diagnostics_corr.priority') joins = default_joins if joins is None else default_joins + joins # Create query: query = "SELECT {distinct:s}{select:s} FROM todolist {joins:s} {search:s}{order_by:s}{limit:s};".format( distinct='DISTINCT ' if distinct else '', select=select, joins=' '.join(joins), search=search, order_by=order_by, limit=limit ) # Ask the database: logger.debug("Running query: %s", query) self.cursor.execute(query) return [dict(row) for row in self.cursor.fetchall()]
[docs] def update_dataval(self, priorities, values): """ Update data validation table in database. Parameters: priorities (array): Array of priorities. values (array): Array of data validation flags to be assigned each corresponding priority. .. codeauthor:: Rasmus Handberg <> """ logger = logging.getLogger('dataval') values = np.asarray(values, dtype='int32') v = [(int(val), int(pri)) for pri, val in zip(priorities, values) if val != 0] if v: self.cursor.executemany("UPDATE " + self.dataval_table + " SET dataval=(dataval | ?) WHERE priority=?;", v) self.conn.commit()"Updated %d entries of %d possible.", self.cursor.rowcount, len(v)) else:"Nothing to update.")
[docs] def validate(self): """ Run all validations and write out summary. .. codeauthor:: Rasmus Handberg <> """ logger = logging.getLogger('dataval')'--------------------------------------------------------') # Run the cleanup as the first, since this may actually change things: self.cleanup() # Run all the validation subroutines: self.basic() self.mag2flux() self.pixinaperture() self.stampsize() self.contam() self.noise_metrics() self.mag_dist() self.calctime() self.calctime_corrections() self.waittime() self.haloswitch() self.camera_overlap() # All the data validation flags are now saved in the database table, so let's combine # them and mark which targets should be approved:'--------------------------------------------------------')"Setting approved flags...") self.cursor.execute("UPDATE " + self.dataval_table + " SET approved=1 WHERE dataval=0;") self.cursor.execute("UPDATE " + self.dataval_table + " SET approved=(dataval & %d = 0) WHERE dataval > 0;" % DatavalQualityFlags.DEFAULT_BITMASK) self.cursor.execute("UPDATE " + self.dataval_table + " SET approved=0 WHERE priority IN (SELECT priority FROM todolist WHERE status NOT IN ({ok:d},{warning:d}));".format( ok=STATUS.OK.value, warning=STATUS.WARNING.value, )) if self.corr: self.cursor.execute("UPDATE " + self.dataval_table + " SET approved=0 WHERE priority IN (SELECT priority FROM todolist WHERE corr_status NOT IN ({ok:d},{warning:d}));".format( ok=STATUS.OK.value, warning=STATUS.WARNING.value, )) self.conn.commit() # Check that all entries have been set: self.cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) AS antal FROM " + self.dataval_table + " WHERE approved IS NULL;") if self.cursor.fetchone()['antal'] > 0: logger.error("Not all approved were set") # Write out summary of validations'--------------------------------------------------------')"Summary of approved and rejected targets:") for camera, ccd in itertools.product((1,2,3,4), (1,2,3,4)): self.cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) AS antal FROM todolist INNER JOIN " + self.dataval_table + " ON todolist.priority=" + self.dataval_table + ".priority WHERE status!=? AND camera=? AND ccd=? AND approved=1;", ( STATUS.SKIPPED.value, camera, ccd )) count_approved = self.cursor.fetchone()['antal'] self.cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) AS antal FROM todolist INNER JOIN " + self.dataval_table + " ON todolist.priority=" + self.dataval_table + ".priority WHERE status!=? AND camera=? AND ccd=? AND approved=0;", ( STATUS.SKIPPED.value, camera, ccd )) count_notapproved = self.cursor.fetchone()['antal'] percent = 100*count_notapproved/(count_notapproved + count_approved)" CAMERA=%d, CCD=%d: %.2f%% (%d rejected, %d approved)", camera, ccd, percent, count_notapproved, count_approved) self.cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) AS antal FROM todolist INNER JOIN " + self.dataval_table + " ON todolist.priority=" + self.dataval_table + ".priority WHERE status!={skipped:d} AND approved=1;".format( skipped=STATUS.SKIPPED.value )) count_total_approved = self.cursor.fetchone()['antal'] self.cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) AS antal FROM todolist INNER JOIN " + self.dataval_table + " ON todolist.priority=" + self.dataval_table + ".priority WHERE status!={skipped:d} AND approved=0;".format( skipped=STATUS.SKIPPED.value )) count_total_notapproved = self.cursor.fetchone()['antal'] percent = 100*count_total_notapproved/(count_total_notapproved + count_total_approved)" TOTAL: %.2f%% (%d rejected, %d approved)", percent, count_total_notapproved, count_total_approved)"Reasons for rejections:") for b in range(14): # TODO: Loop over DatavalQualityFlags instead - requires it to be a real enum flag = 2**b # Only show flags that cause rejection: if flag & DatavalQualityFlags.DEFAULT_BITMASK == 0: continue # Count the number of targets where the flag is set: self.cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) AS antal FROM todolist INNER JOIN " + self.dataval_table + " ON todolist.priority=" + self.dataval_table + ".priority WHERE status IN (:ok,:warning) AND dataval > 0 AND dataval & :dataval != 0;", { 'ok': STATUS.OK.value, 'warning': STATUS.WARNING.value, 'dataval': flag }) count_flag = self.cursor.fetchone()['antal'] percent = 100*count_flag/count_total_notapproved" %s: %d (%.2f%%)", flag, count_flag, percent)'--------------------------------------------------------')
[docs] def basic(self, errors_ratio_warn=0.05, errors_ratio_err=0.10): """ Perform basic checks of the TODO-file and the lightcurve files. Parameters: errors_ratio_warn (float, optional): Fraction of ERRORs to OK and WARNINGs to warn about. Default=5%. errors_ratio_err (float, optional): Fraction of ERRORs to OK and WARNINGs to throw error about. Default=10%. .. codeauthor:: Rasmus Handberg <> """ logger = logging.getLogger('dataval')'Testing basics...') tqdm_settings = {'disable': None if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO) else True} # Status that we should check for in the database. They should not be present if the # processing was completed correctly: bad_status = str(STATUS.UNKNOWN.value) + ',' + str(STATUS.STARTED.value) + ',' + str(STATUS.ABORT.value) # Check the status of the photometry: self.cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM todolist WHERE status IS NULL OR status IN (" + bad_status + ");") rowcount = self.cursor.fetchone()[0] if rowcount: logger.error("%d entries have not had PHOTOMETRY run", rowcount) else:"All PHOTOMETRY has been run.") # Summary of all photometry status:"Summary of photometry status:") self.cursor.execute("SELECT status,COUNT(*) AS antal FROM todolist WHERE status NOT IN ({ok:d},{warning:d}) GROUP BY status;".format( ok=STATUS.OK.value, warning=STATUS.WARNING.value )) total_bad_phot_status = 0 for sta in self.cursor.fetchall(): total_bad_phot_status += sta['antal']" %s: %d", STATUS(sta['status']).name, sta['antal'])" TOTAL: %d", total_bad_phot_status) # Warn if it seems that there is a large number of ERROR, compared to OK and WARNING:"Checking number of photometry errors:") for camera, ccd in itertools.product((1,2,3,4), (1,2,3,4)): self.cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM todolist WHERE status IN ({ok:d},{warning:d}) AND camera={camera:d} AND ccd={ccd:d};".format( ok=STATUS.OK.value, warning=STATUS.WARNING.value, camera=camera, ccd=ccd )) count_good = self.cursor.fetchone()[0] self.cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM todolist WHERE status={error:d} AND camera={camera:d} AND ccd={ccd:d};".format( error=STATUS.ERROR.value, camera=camera, ccd=ccd )) count_errors = self.cursor.fetchone()[0] ratio = count_errors/(count_good + count_errors) if count_good + count_errors > 0 else 0 if ratio > errors_ratio_warn or ratio > errors_ratio_err: loglevel = logging.ERROR if ratio > errors_ratio_err else logging.WARNING logger.log(loglevel, " CAMERA=%d, CCD=%d: High number of errors detected: %.2f%% (%d errors, %d good)", camera, ccd, 100*ratio, count_errors, count_good) else:" CAMERA=%d, CCD=%d: %.2f%% (%d errors, %d good)", camera, ccd, 100*ratio, count_errors, count_good) # Check that everything that should have, has a diagnostics entry: # Ignore status=SKIPPED, since these will not have a diagnostics entry. self.cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM todolist LEFT JOIN diagnostics ON todolist.priority=diagnostics.priority WHERE diagnostics.priority IS NULL AND status != {skipped:d};".format( skipped=STATUS.SKIPPED )) rowcount = len(self.cursor.fetchall()) logger.log(logging.ERROR if rowcount else logging.INFO, "%d entries missing in DIAGNOSTICS", rowcount) # Check photometry_skipped table. All stars marked as SKIPPED in photometry should # have an entry explaining which target that was responsible for it being skipped: # NOTE: This will currently fail for most TODO-files due to a bug/feature in the photometry # code, where an entry is not created in all cases. self.cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='photometry_skipped';") if self.cursor.fetchone()[0] == 1: self.cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM todolist LEFT JOIN photometry_skipped ON todolist.priority=photometry_skipped.priority WHERE status={skipped:d} AND photometry_skipped.priority IS NULL;".format( skipped=STATUS.SKIPPED )) rowcount = self.cursor.fetchone()[0] # TODO: For now, this is just a warning, because there is a known bug in photometry # causing this to often having non-zero number of missing entries. logger.log(logging.WARNING if rowcount else logging.INFO, "%d entries missing in PHOTOMETRY_SKIPPED", rowcount) else: logger.warning("PHOTOMETRY_SKIPPED table not found!") # Check the status of corrections: if self.corr: self.cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM todolist WHERE corr_status IS NULL OR corr_status IN (" + bad_status + ");") rowcount = self.cursor.fetchone()[0] if rowcount: logger.error("%d entries have not had CORRECTIONS run", rowcount) else:"All CORRECTIONS have been run.") # Warn if it seems that there is a large number of ERROR, compared to OK and WARNING:"Checking number of correction errors:") for camera, ccd in itertools.product((1,2,3,4), (1,2,3,4)): self.cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM todolist WHERE corr_status IN ({ok:d},{warning:d}) AND camera={camera:d} AND ccd={ccd:d};".format( ok=STATUS.OK.value, warning=STATUS.WARNING.value, camera=camera, ccd=ccd )) count_good = self.cursor.fetchone()[0] self.cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM todolist WHERE corr_status={error:d} AND camera={camera:d} AND ccd={ccd:d};".format( error=STATUS.ERROR.value, camera=camera, ccd=ccd )) count_errors = self.cursor.fetchone()[0] ratio = count_errors/(count_good + count_errors) if count_good + count_errors > 0 else 0 if ratio > errors_ratio_warn or ratio > errors_ratio_err: loglevel = logging.ERROR if ratio > errors_ratio_err else logging.WARNING logger.log(loglevel, " CAMERA=%d, CCD=%d: High number of errors detected: %.2f%% (%d errors, %d good)", camera, ccd, 100*ratio, count_errors, count_good) else:" CAMERA=%d, CCD=%d: %.2f%% (%d errors, %d good)", camera, ccd, 100*ratio, count_errors, count_good) # Check that everything that should have, has a diagnostics_corr entry: # Ignore status=SKIPPED, since these will not have a diagnostics_corr entry. self.cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM todolist LEFT JOIN diagnostics_corr ON todolist.priority=diagnostics_corr.priority WHERE diagnostics_corr.priority IS NULL AND corr_status != {skipped:d};".format( skipped=STATUS.SKIPPED )) rowcount = len(self.cursor.fetchall()) logger.log(logging.ERROR if rowcount else logging.INFO, "%d entries missing in DIAGNOSTICS_CORR", rowcount) # Check for specific errors that should be flagged: # Patterns can contain wildcards (% or _): specific_errors = [ 'FileNotFoundError', 'sqlite3.%', 'TargetNotFoundError', # custom "error" set in photometry.TaskManager.save_result 'TypeError', 'Could not save lightcurve file' ]"Checking for specific errors...") tbls = ('diagnostics', 'diagnostics_corr') if self.corr else ('diagnostics',) for tbl, keyword in itertools.product(tbls, specific_errors): self.cursor.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' + tbl + ' WHERE errors IS NOT NULL AND errors LIKE "%' + keyword + ': %";') count_specificerror = self.cursor.fetchone()[0] logger.log(logging.ERROR if count_specificerror else logging.INFO, " %s (%s): %d", keyword, tbl, count_specificerror) # Check if any raw lightcurve files are missing:"Checking if any raw lightcurve files are missing...") missing_phot_lightcurves = 0 missing_phot_lightcurves_list = os.path.join(self.outfolder, 'missing_raw.txt') with open(missing_phot_lightcurves_list, 'w') as fid: self.cursor.execute("SELECT todolist.priority,lightcurve FROM todolist LEFT JOIN diagnostics ON todolist.priority=diagnostics.priority WHERE status IN (1,3);") for row in tqdm(self.cursor.fetchall(), **tqdm_settings): if row['lightcurve'] is None or \ not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.input_folder, row['lightcurve'])) or \ os.path.getsize(os.path.join(self.input_folder, row['lightcurve'])) == 0: missing_phot_lightcurves += 1 fid.write("{priority:6d} {lightcurve:s}\n".format(**row)) if missing_phot_lightcurves == 0:"All photometry lightcurves avaliable.") os.remove(missing_phot_lightcurves_list) else: logger.error("%d missing photometry lightcurves.", missing_phot_lightcurves) # Check of any corrected lightcurve files are missing: if self.corr:"Checking if any corrected lightcurve files are missing...") missing_corr_lightcurves = 0 missing_corr_lightcurves_list = os.path.join(self.outfolder, 'missing_corr.txt') with open(missing_corr_lightcurves_list, 'w') as fid: self.cursor.execute("SELECT todolist.priority,diagnostics_corr.lightcurve FROM todolist LEFT JOIN diagnostics_corr ON todolist.priority=diagnostics_corr.priority WHERE corr_status IN (1,3);") for row in tqdm(self.cursor.fetchall(), **tqdm_settings): if row['lightcurve'] is None or \ not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.input_folder, row['lightcurve'])) or \ os.path.getsize(os.path.join(self.input_folder, row['lightcurve'])) == 0: missing_corr_lightcurves += 1 fid.write("{priority:6d} {lightcurve:s}\n".format(**row)) if missing_corr_lightcurves == 0:"All corrected lightcurves avaliable.") os.remove(missing_corr_lightcurves_list) else: logger.error("%d missing corrected lightcurves.", missing_corr_lightcurves) # Checking for leftover lightcurve files:"Checking for any leftover orphaned lightcurve files...") leftover_lightcurves = 0 leftover_lightcurves_list = os.path.join(self.outfolder, 'orphaned_lightcurves.txt') with open(leftover_lightcurves_list, 'w') as fid:" Checking for orphaned raw lightcurves...") for fname in tqdm(find_lightcurve_files(self.input_folder, 'tess*-tasoc_lc.fits.gz'), **tqdm_settings): # Find relative path to find in database: relpath = os.path.relpath(fname, self.input_folder) logger.debug("Checking: %s", relpath) self.cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM diagnostics WHERE lightcurve=?;", [relpath]) if self.cursor.fetchone() is None: leftover_lightcurves += 1 fid.write(relpath + "\n") if self.corr:" Checking for orphaned corrected lightcurves...") if self.corr_method is None: logger.error("Correction method not given") fname_filter = {'ensemble': 'ens', 'cbv': 'cbv', 'kasoc_filter': 'kf', None: '*'}[self.corr_method] for fname in tqdm(find_lightcurve_files(self.input_folder, 'tess*-tasoc-%s_lc.fits.gz' % fname_filter), **tqdm_settings): # Find relative path to find in database: relpath = os.path.relpath(fname, self.input_folder) logger.debug("Checking: %s", relpath) self.cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM diagnostics_corr WHERE lightcurve=?;", [relpath]) if self.cursor.fetchone() is None: leftover_lightcurves += 1 fid.write(relpath + "\n") if leftover_lightcurves == 0:"No orphaned lightcurves.") os.remove(leftover_lightcurves_list) else: logger.error("%d orphaned lightcurves.", leftover_lightcurves)
[docs] def pixinaperture(self): pixinaperture(self)
[docs] def stampsize(self): stampsize(self)
[docs] def noise_metrics(self): noise_metrics(self)
[docs] def contam(self): contam(self)
[docs] def mag_dist(self): mag_dist(self)
[docs] def mag2flux(self): mag2flux(self)
[docs] def cleanup(self): cleanup(self)
[docs] def camera_overlap(self): camera_overlap(self)
[docs] def calctime(self): calctime(self)
[docs] def calctime_corrections(self): calctime_corrections(self)
[docs] def waittime(self): waittime(self)
[docs] def haloswitch(self): haloswitch(self)