Source code for corrections.taskmanager

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
A TaskManager which keeps track of which targets to process.

.. codeauthor:: Rasmus Handberg <>
.. codeauthor:: Lindsey Carboneau
.. codeauthor:: Filipe Pereira

import os.path
import sqlite3
import logging
import json
from numpy import atleast_1d
from . import STATUS

def _build_constraints(priority=None, starid=None, sector=None, cadence=None,
	camera=None, ccd=None, cbv_area=None, return_list=False):

	constraints = []
	if priority is not None:
		constraints.append('todolist.priority IN (' + ','.join([str(int(c)) for c in atleast_1d(priority)]) + ')')
	if starid is not None:
		constraints.append('todolist.starid IN (' + ','.join([str(int(c)) for c in atleast_1d(starid)]) + ')')
	if sector is not None:
		constraints.append('todolist.sector IN (' + ','.join([str(int(c)) for c in atleast_1d(sector)]) + ')')
	if cadence == 'ffi':
	elif cadence is not None:
	if camera is not None:
		constraints.append(' IN (' + ','.join([str(int(c)) for c in atleast_1d(camera)]) + ')')
	if ccd is not None:
		constraints.append('todolist.ccd IN (' + ','.join([str(int(c)) for c in atleast_1d(ccd)]) + ')')
	if cbv_area is not None:
		constraints.append('todolist.cbv_area IN (' + ','.join([str(int(c)) for c in atleast_1d(cbv_area)]) + ')')

	# If asked for it, return the list if constraints otherwise return string
	# which fits into the other queries done by the TaskManager:
	if return_list:
		return constraints
	return ' AND ' + ' AND '.join(constraints) if constraints else ''

[docs] class TaskManager(object): """ A TaskManager which keeps track of which targets to process. """
[docs] def __init__(self, todo_file, cleanup=False, overwrite=False, cleanup_constraints=None, summary=None, summary_interval=200): """ Initialize the TaskManager which keeps track of which targets to process. Parameters: todo_file (str): Path to the TODO-file. cleanup (bool, optional): Perform cleanup/optimization of TODO-file before during initialization. Default=False. overwrite (bool, optional): Overwrite any previously calculated results. Default=False. cleanup_constraints (dict, optional): Dict of constraint for cleanup of the status of previous correction runs. If not specified, all bad results are cleaned up. summary (str, optional): Path to JSON file which will be periodically updated with a status summary of the corrections. summary_interval (int, optional): Interval at which summary file is updated. Default=100. Raises: FileNotFoundError: If TODO-file could not be found. """ if os.path.isdir(todo_file): todo_file = os.path.join(todo_file, 'todo.sqlite') if not os.path.isfile(todo_file): raise FileNotFoundError('Could not find TODO-file') if cleanup_constraints is not None and not isinstance(cleanup_constraints, (dict, list)): raise ValueError("cleanup_constraints should be dict or list") # Load the SQLite file: self.conn = sqlite3.connect(todo_file) self.conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row self.cursor = self.conn.cursor() self.cursor.execute("PRAGMA foreign_keys=ON;") self.cursor.execute("PRAGMA locking_mode=EXCLUSIVE;") self.cursor.execute("PRAGMA journal_mode=TRUNCATE;") self.summary_file = summary self.summary_interval = summary_interval self.summary_counter = 0 self.corrector = None # Setup logging: formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) if not self.logger.hasHandlers(): self._loghandler = logging.StreamHandler() self._loghandler.setFormatter(formatter) self.logger.addHandler(self._loghandler) # Add cadence to todolist, if it doesn't already exists: # This is only for backwards compatibility. self.cursor.execute("PRAGMA table_info(todolist)") existing_columns = [r['name'] for r in self.cursor.fetchall()] if 'cadence' not in existing_columns: self.logger.debug("Adding CADENCE column to todolist") self.cursor.execute("BEGIN TRANSACTION;") self.cursor.execute("ALTER TABLE todolist ADD COLUMN cadence INTEGER DEFAULT NULL;") self.cursor.execute("UPDATE todolist SET cadence=1800 WHERE datasource='ffi' AND sector < 27;") self.cursor.execute("UPDATE todolist SET cadence=600 WHERE datasource='ffi' AND sector >= 27 AND sector <= 55;") self.cursor.execute("UPDATE todolist SET cadence=120 WHERE datasource!='ffi' AND sector < 27;") self.cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) AS antal FROM todolist WHERE cadence IS NULL;") if self.cursor.fetchone()['antal'] > 0: self.close() raise ValueError("TODO-file does not contain CADENCE information and it could not be determined automatically. Please recreate TODO-file.") self.conn.commit() # Add status indicator for corrections to todolist, if it doesn't already exists: if 'corr_status' not in existing_columns: self.logger.debug("Adding corr_status column to todolist") self.cursor.execute("ALTER TABLE todolist ADD COLUMN corr_status INTEGER DEFAULT NULL") self.cursor.execute("CREATE INDEX corr_status_idx ON todolist (corr_status);") self.conn.commit() # Add method_used to the diagnostics table if it doesn't exist: self.cursor.execute("PRAGMA table_info(diagnostics)") if 'method_used' not in [r['name'] for r in self.cursor.fetchall()]: # Since this one is NOT NULL, we have to do some magic to fill out the # new column after creation, by finding ketwords in other columns. # This can be a pretty slow process, but it only has to be done once. self.logger.debug("Adding method_used column to diagnostics") self.cursor.execute("BEGIN TRANSACTION;") self.cursor.execute("ALTER TABLE diagnostics ADD COLUMN method_used TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT 'aperture';") for m in ('aperture', 'halo', 'psf', 'linpsf'): self.cursor.execute("UPDATE diagnostics SET method_used=? WHERE priority IN (SELECT priority FROM todolist WHERE method=?);", [m, m]) self.cursor.execute("UPDATE diagnostics SET method_used='halo' WHERE method_used='aperture' AND errors LIKE '%Automatically switched to Halo photometry%';") self.conn.commit() # Create indicies self.cursor.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS datavalidation_raw_approved_idx ON datavalidation_raw (approved);") self.conn.commit() # Create table for settings if it doesn't already exits: self.cursor.execute("""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS corr_settings ( corrector TEXT NOT NULL );""") self.conn.commit() # Load settings from setting tables: self.cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM corr_settings LIMIT 1;") row = self.cursor.fetchone() if row is not None: self.corrector = row['corrector'] # Reset the status of everything for a new run: if overwrite: self.cursor.execute("UPDATE todolist SET corr_status=NULL;") self.cursor.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS diagnostics_corr;") self.cursor.execute("DELETE FROM corr_settings;") self.conn.commit() self.corrector = None # Create table for diagnostics: self.cursor.execute("""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS diagnostics_corr ( priority INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ASC NOT NULL, lightcurve TEXT, elaptime REAL, worker_wait_time REAL, variance DOUBLE PRECISION, rms_hour DOUBLE PRECISION, ptp DOUBLE PRECISION, errors TEXT, FOREIGN KEY (priority) REFERENCES todolist(priority) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE );""") self.cursor.execute("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS diagnostics_corr_lightcurve_idx ON diagnostics_corr (lightcurve);") self.conn.commit() # The corrector is not stored, so try to infer it from the diagnostics information: # This is needed on older TODO-files created before the corr_settings table # as introduced. if self.corrector is None: self.cursor.execute("SELECT lightcurve FROM diagnostics_corr WHERE lightcurve IS NOT NULL LIMIT 1;") row = self.cursor.fetchone() if row is not None: if '-tasoc-cbv_lc' in row['lightcurve']: self.corrector = 'cbv' elif '-tasoc-ens_lc' in row['lightcurve']: self.corrector = 'ensemble' elif '-tasoc-kf_lc' in row['lightcurve']: self.corrector = 'kasoc_filter' if self.corrector is not None: self.save_settings() # Reset calculations with status STARTED, ABORT or ERROR: clear_status = str(STATUS.STARTED.value) + ',' + str(STATUS.ABORT.value) + ',' + str(STATUS.ERROR.value) + ',' + str(STATUS.SKIPPED.value) constraints = ['corr_status IN (' + clear_status + ')'] # Add additional constraints from the user input and build SQL query: if cleanup_constraints: if isinstance(cleanup_constraints, dict): constraints += _build_constraints(**cleanup_constraints, return_list=True) else: constraints += cleanup_constraints constraints = ' AND '.join(constraints) self.logger.debug(constraints) self.cursor.execute("DELETE FROM diagnostics_corr WHERE priority IN (SELECT todolist.priority FROM todolist WHERE " + constraints + ");") self.cursor.execute("UPDATE todolist SET corr_status=NULL WHERE " + constraints + ";") self.conn.commit() # Set all targets that did not return good photometry or were not approved by the Data Validation to SKIPPED: self.cursor.execute(f"UPDATE todolist SET corr_status={STATUS.SKIPPED.value:d} WHERE corr_status IS NULL AND (status NOT IN ({STATUS.OK.value:d},{STATUS.WARNING.value:d}) OR todolist.priority IN (SELECT priority FROM datavalidation_raw WHERE approved=0));") self.conn.commit() # Analyze the tables for better query planning: self.logger.debug("Analyzing database...") self.cursor.execute("ANALYZE;") # Prepare summary object: self.summary = { 'slurm_jobid': os.environ.get('SLURM_JOB_ID', None), 'numtasks': 0, 'tasks_run': 0, 'last_error': None, 'mean_elaptime': None, 'mean_worker_waittime': None } # Make sure to add all the different status to summary: for s in STATUS: self.summary[] = 0 # If we are going to output summary, make sure to fill it up: if self.summary_file: # Ensure it is an absolute file path: self.summary_file = os.path.abspath(self.summary_file) # Extract information from database: self.cursor.execute("SELECT corr_status,COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM todolist GROUP BY corr_status;") for row in self.cursor.fetchall(): self.summary['numtasks'] += row['cnt'] if row['corr_status'] is not None: self.summary[STATUS(row['corr_status']).name] = row['cnt'] # Make sure the containing directory exists: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(self.summary_file), exist_ok=True) # Write summary to file: self.write_summary() # Run a cleanup/optimization of the database before we get started: if cleanup:"Cleaning TODOLIST before run...") tmp_isolevel = self.conn.isolation_level try: self.conn.isolation_level = None self.cursor.execute("VACUUM;") finally: self.conn.isolation_level = tmp_isolevel
#---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __enter__(self): return self #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __exit__(self, *args): self.close() #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __del__(self): self.close() #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def close(self): if hasattr(self, 'cursor') and hasattr(self, 'conn') and self.conn: try: self.conn.rollback() self.cursor.execute("PRAGMA journal_mode=DELETE;") self.conn.commit() self.cursor.close() except sqlite3.ProgrammingError: # pragma: no cover pass if hasattr(self, 'conn') and self.conn: self.conn.close() self.conn = None if hasattr(self, '_loghandler') and hasattr(self, 'logger') and self._loghandler: self.logger.removeHandler(self._loghandler)
[docs] def save_settings(self): """ Save settings to TODO-file and create method-specific columns in ``diagnostics_corr`` table. .. codeauthor:: Rasmus Handberg <> """ try: self.cursor.execute("DELETE FROM corr_settings;") self.cursor.execute("INSERT INTO corr_settings (corrector) VALUES (?);", [self.corrector]) # Create additional diagnostics columns based on which corrector we are running: self.cursor.execute("PRAGMA table_info(diagnostics_corr)") diag_columns = [r['name'] for r in self.cursor.fetchall()] if self.corrector == 'cbv': if 'cbv_num' not in diag_columns: self.cursor.execute("ALTER TABLE diagnostics_corr ADD COLUMN cbv_num INTEGER DEFAULT NULL;") elif self.corrector == 'ensemble': if 'ens_num' not in diag_columns: self.cursor.execute("ALTER TABLE diagnostics_corr ADD COLUMN ens_num INTEGER DEFAULT NULL;") if 'ens_fom' not in diag_columns: self.cursor.execute("ALTER TABLE diagnostics_corr ADD COLUMN ens_fom REAL DEFAULT NULL;") self.conn.commit() except: # noqa: E722, pragma: no cover self.conn.rollback() raise
[docs] def get_number_tasks(self, priority=None, starid=None, sector=None, cadence=None, camera=None, ccd=None, cbv_area=None): """ Get number of tasks due to be processed. Parameters: priority (int, optional): Only return task matching this priority. starid (int, optional): Only return tasks matching this starid. sector (int, optional): Only return tasks matching this Sector. cadence (int, optional): Only return tasks matching this cadence. camera (int, optional): Only return tasks matching this camera. ccd (int, optional): Only return tasks matching this CCD. Returns: int: Number of tasks due to be processed. .. codeauthor:: Rasmus Handberg <> """ constraints = _build_constraints( priority=priority, starid=starid, sector=sector, cadence=cadence, camera=camera, ccd=ccd, cbv_area=cbv_area) self.cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) AS num FROM todolist INNER JOIN diagnostics ON todolist.priority=diagnostics.priority WHERE corr_status IS NULL" + constraints + ";") return int(self.cursor.fetchone()['num'])
[docs] def get_task(self, priority=None, starid=None, sector=None, cadence=None, camera=None, ccd=None, cbv_area=None, chunk=1): """ Get next task to be processed. Parameters: priority (int, optional): Only return task matching this priority. starid (int, optional): Only return tasks matching this starid. sector (int, optional): Only return tasks matching this Sector. cadence (int, optional): Only return tasks matching this cadence. camera (int, optional): Only return tasks matching this camera. ccd (int, optional): Only return tasks matching this CCD. chunk (int, optional): Chunk of tasks to return. Default is to not chunk (=1). Returns: dict, list or None: Dictionary of settings for task. If ``chunk`` is larger than one, a list of dicts is retuned instead. .. codeauthor:: Rasmus Handberg <> """ constraints = _build_constraints( priority=priority, starid=starid, sector=sector, cadence=cadence, camera=camera, ccd=ccd, cbv_area=cbv_area) self.cursor.execute(f"SELECT * FROM todolist INNER JOIN diagnostics ON todolist.priority=diagnostics.priority WHERE corr_status IS NULL {constraints:s} ORDER BY todolist.priority LIMIT {chunk:d};") tasks = self.cursor.fetchall() if tasks and chunk == 1: return dict(tasks[0]) elif tasks: return [dict(task) for task in tasks] return None
[docs] def get_random_task(self, chunk=1): """ Get random task to be processed. Parameters: chunk (int, optional): Chunk of tasks to return. Default is to not chunk (=1). Returns: dict, list or None: Dictionary of settings for task. If ``chunk`` is larger than one, a list of dicts is retuned instead. .. codeauthor:: Rasmus Handberg <> """ self.cursor.execute(f"SELECT * FROM todolist INNER JOIN diagnostics ON todolist.priority=diagnostics.priority WHERE corr_status IS NULL ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT {chunk:d};") tasks = self.cursor.fetchall() if tasks and chunk == 1: return dict(tasks[0]) elif tasks: return [dict(task) for task in tasks] return None
[docs] def start_task(self, tasks): """ Mark tasks as STARTED in the TODO-list. Parameters: tasks (list or dict): Task or list of tasks coming from ``get_tasks`` or ``get_random_task``. .. codeauthor:: Rasmus Handberg <> """ if isinstance(tasks, dict): priorities = [(int(tasks['priority']),)] else: priorities = [(int(task['priority']),) for task in tasks] self.cursor.executemany(f"UPDATE todolist SET corr_status={STATUS.STARTED.value:d} WHERE priority=?;", priorities) self.summary['STARTED'] += self.cursor.rowcount self.conn.commit()
[docs] def save_results(self, results): """ Save result, or list of results, to TaskManager. Parameters: results (list or dict): .. codeauthor:: Rasmus Handberg <> """ if isinstance(results, dict): results = [results] if self.corrector is None: self.corrector = results[0]['corrector'] self.save_settings() additional_diags_keys = '' Nadditional = 0 if self.corrector == 'cbv': additional_diags_keys = ',cbv_num' Nadditional = 1 elif self.corrector == 'ensemble': additional_diags_keys = ',ens_num,ens_fom' Nadditional = 2 placeholders = ','.join(['?']*(8 + Nadditional)) for result in results: # Extract details dictionary: details = result.get('details', {}) # The status of this target returned by the photometry: my_status = result['status_corr'] # If the corrector has not already been set for this TODO-file, # update the settings, and if it has check that we are not # mixing results from different correctors in one TODO-file. if result['corrector'] != self.corrector: raise ValueError("Attempting to mix results from multiple correctors") # Calculate mean elapsed time using "streaming weighted mean" with (alpha=0.1): # if self.summary['mean_elaptime'] is None and result.get('elaptime_corr') is not None: self.summary['mean_elaptime'] = result['elaptime_corr'] elif result.get('elaptime_corr') is not None: self.summary['mean_elaptime'] += 0.1 * (result['elaptime_corr'] - self.summary['mean_elaptime']) # Save additional diagnostics: error_msg = details.get('errors', None) if error_msg: error_msg = "\n".join(error_msg) if isinstance(error_msg, (list, tuple)) else error_msg.strip() self.summary['last_error'] = error_msg additional_diags = () if self.corrector == 'cbv': additional_diags = ( details.get('cbv_num', None), ) elif self.corrector == 'ensemble': additional_diags = ( details.get('ens_num', None), details.get('ens_fom', None) ) try: # Update the status in the TODO list: self.cursor.execute("UPDATE todolist SET corr_status=? WHERE priority=?;", ( result['status_corr'].value, result['priority'] )) # Save additional diagnostics: self.cursor.execute("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO diagnostics_corr (priority,lightcurve,elaptime,worker_wait_time,variance,rms_hour,ptp,errors" + additional_diags_keys + ") VALUES (" + placeholders + ");", ( result['priority'], result.get('lightcurve_corr', None), result.get('elaptime_corr', None), result.get('worker_wait_time', None), details.get('variance', None), details.get('rms_hour', None), details.get('ptp', None), error_msg ) + additional_diags) self.conn.commit() except: # noqa: E722, pragma: no cover self.conn.rollback() raise self.summary['tasks_run'] += 1 self.summary[] += 1 self.summary['STARTED'] -= 1 # All the results should have the same worker_waittime. # So only update this once, using just that last result in the list: if self.summary['mean_worker_waittime'] is None and result.get('worker_wait_time') is not None: self.summary['mean_worker_waittime'] = result['worker_wait_time'] elif result.get('worker_wait_time') is not None: self.summary['mean_worker_waittime'] += 0.1 * (result['worker_wait_time'] - self.summary['mean_worker_waittime']) # Write summary file: self.summary_counter += len(results) if self.summary_file and self.summary_counter >= self.summary_interval: self.summary_counter = 0 self.write_summary()
[docs] def write_summary(self): """Write summary of progress to file. The summary file will be in JSON format.""" if self.summary_file: try: with open(self.summary_file, 'w') as fid: json.dump(self.summary, fid) except: # noqa: E722, pragma: no cover self.logger.exception("Could not write summary file")