#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
The ensemble photometry detrending class.
.. codeauthor:: Derek Buzasi
.. codeauthor:: Oliver J. Hall
.. codeauthor:: Lindsey Carboneau
.. codeauthor:: Filipe Pereira
.. codeauthor:: Rasmus Handberg <rasmush@phys.au.dk>
import numpy as np
import os.path
from bottleneck import nanmedian, nanstd, nansum
from timeit import default_timer
import logging
from scipy.optimize import minimize # minimize_scalar
from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors
import copy
from .plots import plt, save_figure
from .quality import CorrectorQualityFlags
from . import BaseCorrector, STATUS
class EnsembleCorrector(BaseCorrector):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
Initialize the correction object.
*args: Arguments for the BaseCorrector class
**kwargs: Keyword Arguments for the BaseCorrector class
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
self.debug = logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG)
# Cache of NearestNeighbors objects that will be filled by the get_nearest_neighbors method:
self._nearest_neighbors = {}
def get_nearest_neighbors(self, lc, n_neighbors):
Find the nearest neighbors to the given target in pixel-space.
lc (:class:`lightkurve.TessLightCurve`): Lightcurve object for target
obtained from :func:`load_lightcurve`.
n_neighbors (int): Number of targets to return.
list: List of `priority` identifiers of the `n_neighbors` nearest stars.
These values can be passed directly to :func:`load_lightcurve` to load the
lightcurves of the targets.
.. codeauthor:: Rasmus Handberg <rasmush@phys.au.dk>
sector = lc.sector
camera = lc.camera
ccd = lc.ccd
cadence = lc.meta['task']['cadence']
key = (sector, cadence, camera, ccd)
# Check if the NearestNeighbors object already exists for this camera and CCD.
# If not create it, and store it for later use.
if key not in self._nearest_neighbors:
# StarID, pixel positions are retrieved from the database:
select_params = ["todolist.priority", "pos_row", "pos_column"]
search_params = [
'status={:d}'.format(STATUS.OK.value), # Only including targets with status=OK from photometry
"method_used='aperture'", # Only including aperature photometry targets
db_raw = self.search_database(select=select_params, search=search_params)
priority = np.asarray([row['priority'] for row in db_raw], dtype='int64')
pixel_coords = np.array([[row['pos_row'], row['pos_column']] for row in db_raw])
# Create the NearestNeighbors object:
nn = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=n_neighbors+1, metric='euclidean')
# Save the NearestNeighbors object and the corresponding list of priorities
# to the class variable, so it can be reused the next time a target is requested
# on the same camera and CCD:
self._nearest_neighbors[key] = {'nn': nn, 'priority': priority}
# Get the NearestNeighbor object for the given camera and CCD:
nn = self._nearest_neighbors[key]['nn']
priority = self._nearest_neighbors[key]['priority']
# Pixel coordinates of the target:
X = np.array([[lc.meta['task']['pos_row'], lc.meta['task']['pos_column']]])
# Use the NearestNeighbor object to find the targets closest to the main target:
distance_index = nn.kneighbors(X, n_neighbors=min(n_neighbors+1, len(priority)), return_distance=False)
nearby_stars = priority[distance_index.flatten()]
# Remove the main target from the list, if it is included:
indx = (nearby_stars != lc.meta['task']['priority'])
nearby_stars = nearby_stars[indx]
# Return the list of nearby stars:
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
return nearby_stars
def add_ensemble_member(self, lc, next_star_lc):
Add a given target to the ensemble list
lc (:class:`lightkurve.TessLightCurve`): Lightcurve for target obtained
from :func:`load_lightcurve`.
next_star_lc (:class:`lightkurve.TessLightCurve`): Lightcurve for star to add to
ensemble obtained from :func:`load_lightcurve`.
- ndarray: Lightcurve (flux) to add to ensemble.
- float: Fitted background correction (B_zeta).
.. codeauthor:: Lindsey Carboneau
.. codeauthor:: Derek Buzasi
# Median subtracted flux of target and ensemble candidate
target_flux_median = nanmedian(lc.flux)
mtarget_flux = lc.flux - target_flux_median
ens_flux = next_star_lc.flux
ensemble_flux_median = nanmedian(ens_flux)
mens_flux = ens_flux - ensemble_flux_median
# 2 sigma
ens2sig = 2 * nanstd(mens_flux)
targ2sig = 2 * nanstd(mtarget_flux)
# absolute balue
abstarg = np.absolute(mtarget_flux)
absens = np.absolute(mens_flux)
# sigma clip the flux used to fit, but don't use that flux again
with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
clip_target_flux = np.where((abstarg < targ2sig) & (absens < ens2sig), mtarget_flux, np.NaN)
clip_ens_flux = np.where((abstarg < targ2sig) & (absens < ens2sig), mens_flux, np.NaN)
# Define function to be minimized to obtain background-offset correction:
clip_ens_abs_flux = clip_ens_flux + ensemble_flux_median
term1 = (clip_target_flux + target_flux_median) / nanmedian(clip_target_flux + target_flux_median)
def func1(scaleK):
temp = term1 - ((clip_ens_abs_flux + scaleK)/nanmedian(clip_ens_abs_flux + scaleK))
return nansum((temp - nanmedian(temp))**2)
res = minimize(func1, 100, method='Powell')
bzeta = float(res.x)
# Sanity checks:
if not res.success:
raise RuntimeError('Bzeta: Minimization not successful: ' + res.message)
ens_flux = ens_flux + bzeta
return ens_flux/nanmedian(ens_flux), bzeta
def apply_ensemble(self, lc, lc_ensemble, lc_corr):
Apply the ensemble correction method to the target light curve
lc (:class:`lightkurve.TessLightCurve`): Lightcurve object for target obtained
from :func:`load_lightcurve`.
lc_ensemble (list): List of ensemble members flux as ndarrays
lc_corr (`TESSLightCurve` object): Lightcurve object which stores the ensemble
corrected flux values.
:class:`lightkurve.TessLightCurve`: The updated object with corrected flux values.
.. codeauthor:: Lindsey Carboneau
.. codeauthor:: Derek Buzasi
# Calculate the median of all the ensemble lightcurves for each timestamp:
lc_medians = nanmedian(np.asarray(lc_ensemble), axis=0)
def func2(scalef):
num1 = nansum(np.abs(np.diff(lc.flux / (lc_medians + scalef))))
denom1 = nanmedian(lc.flux / (lc_medians + scalef))
return num1/denom1
res = minimize(func2, 1.0) # , method='Powell'
k_corr = float(res.x)
# Sanity checks:
if not res.success:
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
logger.warning('Sanity check: Minimization not successful: %s', res.message)
#raise RuntimeError('Sanity check: Minimization not successful: ' + res.message)
# Correct the lightcurve:
lc_corr /= k_corr + lc_medians
lc_corr /= nanmedian(lc_corr.flux)
lc_corr *= nanmedian(lc.flux)
return lc_corr
def do_correction(self, lc):
Function that takes all input stars for a sector and uses them to find a detrending
function using ensemble photometry for a star 'star_names[ifile]', where ifile is the
index for the star in the star_array and star_names list.
lc (:class:`lightkurve.TessLightCurve`): Raw lightcurve stored in a TessLightCurve object.
:class:`lightkurve.TessLightCurve`: Corrected lightcurve stored in a TessLightCurve object.
:class:`STATUS`: The status of the correction.
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
logger.info("DataSource=%s, Cadence=%d", lc.meta['task']['datasource'], lc.meta['task']['cadence'])
# Settings:
drange_lim = 1.0 # Limit on differenced range - not in log10!
drange_relfactor = 10 # Limit on differenced range, relative to target d.range.
frange_lim = 0.4 # Limit on flux range.
min_star_count = 5 # Minimum number of stars to have in the ensemble.
max_neighbors = 100 # Maximal number of neighbors to check.
# Clean up the lightcurve by removing nans and ignoring data points with bad quality flags
# these values need to be removed, or they will affect the ensemble later
lc_quality_mask = ~CorrectorQualityFlags.filter(lc.quality)
lc.flux[lc_quality_mask] = np.NaN
lc_corr = lc.copy()
# Set up basic statistical parameters for the light curves.
# frange is the light curve range from the 5th to the 95th percentile,
# drange is the relative standard deviation of the differenced light curve (to whiten the noise)
target_flux_median = lc.meta['task']['mean_flux']
target_frange = np.diff(np.nanpercentile(lc.flux, [5, 95])) / target_flux_median
target_drange = nanstd(np.diff(lc.flux)) / target_flux_median
logger.debug("Main target: drange=%f, frange=%f", target_drange, target_frange)
logger.debug("lc size: %f", len(lc.flux))
# Query for a list of the nearest neigbors to test:
nearby_stars = self.get_nearest_neighbors(lc, max_neighbors)
logger.debug("Nearby stars: %s", nearby_stars)
# Define variables to use in the loop to build the ensemble of stars
# List of star indexes to be included in the ensemble
temp_list = []
lc_ensemble = []
# Test values store current best correction for testing vs. additional ensemble members
# NOTE: this might be done more efficiently with further functionalization of the loop below and updated loop bounds/conditions!
test_corr = []
test_ens = []
test_list = []
fom = np.nan
# Start loop to build ensemble
ensemble_start = default_timer()
# Loop through the neighbors to build the ensemble:
for next_star_index in nearby_stars:
# Get lightkurve for next star closest to target:
next_star_lc = self.load_lightcurve(next_star_index)
# Remove bad points by setting them to NaN:
next_star_lc_quality_mask = ~CorrectorQualityFlags.filter(next_star_lc.quality)
next_star_lc.flux[next_star_lc_quality_mask] = np.NaN
# Compute the rest of the statistical parameters for the next star to be added to the ensemble.
frange = np.diff(np.nanpercentile(next_star_lc.flux, [5, 95])) / next_star_lc.meta['task']['mean_flux']
drange = nanstd(np.diff(next_star_lc.flux)) / next_star_lc.meta['task']['mean_flux']
logger.debug("drange=%f, frange=%f", drange, frange)
logger.debug("lc size: %f", len(next_star_lc))
# Stars are added to ensemble if they fulfill the requirements. These are (1) drange less than min_range, (2) drange less than 10 times the
# drange of the target (to ensure exclusion of relatively noisy stars), and frange less than 0.03 (to exclude highly variable stars)
if drange < drange_lim and drange < drange_relfactor*target_drange and frange < frange_lim:
# Add the star to the ensemble:
lc_add_ensemble, bzeta = self.add_ensemble_member(lc, next_star_lc)
temp_list.append({'priority:': next_star_index, 'starid': next_star_lc.targetid, 'bzeta': bzeta})
# Pause the loop if we have reached the desired number of stars, and check the correction:
if len(temp_list) >= min_star_count:
if np.isnan(fom):
# the first time we hit the minimum ensemble size, try to correct the target
# storing all these as 'test' - we'll revert to these values if adding the next star doesn't 'surpass the test'
# `deepcopy` because otherwise it uses pointers and overwrites the value we need
test_corr = self.apply_ensemble(lc, lc_ensemble, lc_corr)
test_ens = copy.deepcopy(lc_ensemble)
test_list = copy.deepcopy(temp_list)
test_fom = nansum(np.abs(np.diff(lc_corr.flux)))
fom = copy.deepcopy(test_fom)
# NOTE: I think this can be more efficiently, but I'm scared to 'fix' what is currently working - LC
# see if one more member makes the ensemble 'surpass the test'
lc_corr = self.apply_ensemble(lc, lc_ensemble, lc_corr)
fom = nansum(np.abs(np.diff(lc_corr.flux)))
if fom < test_fom:
# the correction "got better" (less noisy) so update and try against another additional member
test_corr = lc_corr
test_ens = lc_ensemble
test_list = temp_list
test_fom = fom
# adding the next neighbor did not improve the correction, so we're done
lc_corr = test_corr
lc_ensemble = test_ens
temp_list = test_list
# Ensure that we reached the minimum number of stars in the ensemble:
if len(temp_list) < min_star_count:
logger.error("Not enough stars for ensemble")
return None, STATUS.ERROR
logger.info("Build ensemble, Time: %f", default_timer()-ensemble_start)
logger.debug("len(lc) vs len(ens): %f vs %f", len(lc), len(lc_ensemble[0]))
# Convert to parts-per-million:
corr_median = nanmedian(lc_corr.flux)
lc_corr = 1e6*(lc_corr/corr_median - 1)
# We probably want to return additional information, including the list of stars in the ensemble, and potentially other things as well.
self.ensemble_starlist = {
'starids': [tl['starid'] for tl in temp_list],
'bzetas': [tl['bzeta'] for tl in temp_list]
# Set additional headers for FITS output:
lc_corr.meta['additional_headers']['ENS_MED'] = (corr_median, 'Median of corrected light curve before ppm')
lc_corr.meta['additional_headers']['ENS_NUM'] = (len(temp_list), 'Number of targets in ensemble')
lc_corr.meta['additional_headers']['ENS_DLIM'] = (drange_lim, 'Limit on differenced range metric')
lc_corr.meta['additional_headers']['ENS_DREL'] = (drange_relfactor, 'Limit on relative diff. range')
lc_corr.meta['additional_headers']['ENS_RLIM'] = (frange_lim, 'Limit on flux range metric')
# Set some meta-data which is used in diagnostics only:
lc_corr.meta['FOM'] = test_fom
if self.plot and self.debug:
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.plot(lc.time, nanmedian(np.asarray(lc_ensemble), axis=0), label='Medians')
save_figure(os.path.join(self.plot_folder(lc), 'ensemble_lc_medians'), fig=fig)
logger.debug("Status of correction: %d", np.sum(np.isfinite(lc_corr.flux)))
return lc_corr, STATUS.OK