Source code for corrections.BaseCorrector

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
The basic correction class for the TASOC Photomety pipeline.
All other specific correction classes will inherit from BaseCorrector.

.. codeauthor:: Lindsey Carboneau
.. codeauthor:: Rasmus Handberg <>
.. codeauthor:: Filipe Pereira

import os.path
import shutil
import enum
import logging
import sqlite3
import tempfile
import contextlib
import numpy as np
from timeit import default_timer
from bottleneck import nanmedian, nanvar, allnan
from import fits
from lightkurve import TessLightCurve
from .plots import plt, save_figure
from .quality import TESSQualityFlags, CorrectorQualityFlags
from .utilities import rms_timescale, ptp, ListHandler, LoggerWriter, fix_fits_table_headers
from .manual_filters import manual_exclude
from .version import get_version

__version__ = get_version(pep440=False)

__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'

[docs] class STATUS(enum.Enum): """ Status indicator of the status of the correction. """ UNKNOWN = 0 #: The status is unknown. The actual calculation has not started yet. STARTED = 6 #: The calculation has started, but not yet finished. OK = 1 #: Everything has gone well. ERROR = 2 #: Encountered a catastrophic error that I could not recover from. WARNING = 3 #: Something is a bit fishy. Maybe we should try again with a different algorithm? ABORT = 4 #: The calculation was aborted. SKIPPED = 5 #: The target was skipped because the algorithm found that to be the best solution.
#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _filter_fits_hdu(hdu): """ Filter FITS file for invalid data (undefined timestamps). Parameters: hdu (:class:``): FITS HDUList that needs to be filtered. Returns: :class:``: Modified FITS HDUList with invalid data removed. .. codeauthor:: Rasmus Handberg <> """ # Remove non-finite timestamps indx = np.isfinite(hdu['LIGHTCURVE'].data['TIME']) # Remove where TIME, CADENCENO and FLUX_RAW are all exactly zero: indx &= ~((hdu['LIGHTCURVE'].data['CADENCENO'] == 0) & (hdu['LIGHTCURVE'].data['TIME'] == 0) & (hdu['LIGHTCURVE'].data['FLUX_RAW'] == 0)) # Remove from in-memory FITS hdu: hdu['LIGHTCURVE'].data = hdu['LIGHTCURVE'].data[indx] return hdu #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] class BaseCorrector(object): """ The basic correction class for the TASOC Photometry pipeline. All other specific correction classes will inherit from BaseCorrector. Attributes: plot (bool): Boolean indicating if plotting is enabled. data_folder (str): Path to directory where axillary data for the corrector should be stored. .. codeauthor:: Lindsey Carboneau .. codeauthor:: Rasmus Handberg <> """
[docs] def __init__(self, input_folder, plot=False): """ Initialize the corrector. Parameters: input_folder (str): Directory with input files. plot (bool, optional): Enable plotting. Raises: FileNotFoundError: TODO-file not found in directory. .. codeauthor:: Rasmus Handberg <> """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Add a ListHandler to the logging of the corrections module. # This is needed to catch any errors and warnings made by the correctors # for ultimately storing them in the TODO-file. # self.message_queue = [] handler = ListHandler(message_queue=self.message_queue, level=logging.WARNING) formatter = logging.Formatter('%(levelname)s: %(message)s') handler.setFormatter(formatter) logging.getLogger('corrections').addHandler(handler) # Save inputs: self.plot = plot if os.path.isdir(input_folder): self.input_folder = input_folder todo_file = os.path.join(input_folder, 'todo.sqlite') else: self.input_folder = os.path.dirname(input_folder) todo_file = input_folder # The path to the TODO list: logger.debug("TODO file: %s", todo_file) if not os.path.isfile(todo_file): raise FileNotFoundError("TODO file not found") self.CorrMethod = { 'BaseCorrector': 'base', 'EnsembleCorrector': 'ensemble', 'CBVCorrector': 'cbv', 'CBVCreator': 'cbv', 'KASOCFilterCorrector': 'kasoc_filter' }.get(self.__class__.__name__) # Find the axillary data directory based on which corrector is running: if self.CorrMethod == 'base': self.data_folder = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data') else: # Create a data folder specific to this corrector: if self.CorrMethod == 'cbv': self.data_folder = os.path.join(self.input_folder, 'cbv-prepare') else: self.data_folder = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data', self.CorrMethod) # Make sure that the folder exists: os.makedirs(self.data_folder, exist_ok=True) # Create readonly copy of the TODO-file: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=self.input_folder, suffix='.sqlite', delete=False) as tmpfile: self.todo_file_readonly = with open(todo_file, 'rb') as fid: shutil.copyfileobj(fid, tmpfile) tmpfile.flush() # Open the SQLite file in read-only mode: self.conn = sqlite3.connect('file:' + self.todo_file_readonly + '?mode=ro', uri=True) self.conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row self.cursor = self.conn.cursor()
#---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __enter__(self): return self #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __exit__(self, *args): self.close() self._close_basecorrector() #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __del__(self): self.close() self._close_basecorrector() #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def close(self): """Close correction object.""" pass
#---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _close_basecorrector(self): """Close BaseCorrection object.""" if hasattr(self, 'cursor') and hasattr(self, 'conn') and self.cursor is not None: try: self.conn.rollback() self.cursor.close() self.cursor = None except sqlite3.ProgrammingError: pass if hasattr(self, 'conn') and self.conn is not None: self.conn.close() self.conn = None if hasattr(self, 'todo_file_readonly') and os.path.isfile(self.todo_file_readonly): os.remove(self.todo_file_readonly) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def plot_folder(self, lc): """ Return folder path where plots for a given lightcurve should be saved. Parameters: lc (:class:`lightkurve.TessLightCurve`): Lightcurve to return plot path for. Returns: string: Path to directory where plots should be saved. .. codeauthor:: Rasmus Handberg <> """ lcfile = os.path.join(self.input_folder, lc.meta['task']['lightcurve']) plot_folder = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(lcfile), 'plots', '%011d' % lc.targetid) if self.plot: os.makedirs(plot_folder, exist_ok=True) return plot_folder
[docs] def do_correction(self, lightcurve): """ Apply corrections to target lightcurve. Parameters: lightcurve (:class:`lightkurve.TessLightCurve`): Lightcurve of the target star to be corrected. Returns: tuple: - :class:`STATUS`: The status of the corrections. - :class:`lightkurve.TessLightCurve`: corrected lightcurve object. Raises: NotImplementedError """ raise NotImplementedError("A helpful error message goes here")
[docs] def correct(self, task, output_folder=None): """ Run correction. Parameters: task (dict): Dictionary defining a task/lightcurve to process. output_folder (str, optional): Path to directory where lightcurve should be saved. Returns: dict: Result dictionary containing information about the processing. .. codeauthor:: Rasmus Handberg <> """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) t1 = default_timer() error_msg = [] details = {} save_file = None result = task.copy() try: # Load the lightcurve lc = self.load_lightcurve(task) # Run the correction on this lightcurve: lc_corr, status = self.do_correction(lc) except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): # pragma: no cover status = STATUS.ABORT logger.warning("Correction was aborted (priority=%d)", task['priority']) except: # noqa: E722 pragma: no cover status = STATUS.ERROR logger.exception("Correction failed (priority=%d)", task['priority']) # Check that the status has been changed: if status == STATUS.UNKNOWN: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError("STATUS was not set by do_correction") # Do sanity checks: if status in (STATUS.OK, STATUS.WARNING): # Make sure all NaN fluxes have corresponding NaN errors: lc_corr.flux_err[np.isnan(lc_corr.flux)] = np.NaN # Simple check that entire lightcurve is not NaN: if allnan(lc_corr.flux): logger.error("Final lightcurve is all NaNs") status = STATUS.ERROR if allnan(lc_corr.flux_err): logger.error("Final lightcurve errors are all NaNs") status = STATUS.ERROR if np.any(np.isinf(lc_corr.flux)): logger.error("Final lightcurve contains Inf") status = STATUS.ERROR if np.any(np.isinf(lc_corr.flux_err)): logger.error("Final lightcurve errors contains Inf") status = STATUS.ERROR # Calculate diagnostics: if status in (STATUS.OK, STATUS.WARNING): # Calculate diagnostics: details['variance'] = nanvar(lc_corr.flux, ddof=1) details['rms_hour'] = rms_timescale(lc_corr, timescale=3600/86400) details['ptp'] = ptp(lc_corr) # Diagnostics specific to the method: if self.CorrMethod == 'cbv': details['cbv_num'] = lc_corr.meta['additional_headers']['CBV_NUM'] elif self.CorrMethod == 'ensemble': details['ens_num'] = lc_corr.meta['additional_headers']['ENS_NUM'] details['ens_fom'] = lc_corr.meta['FOM'] # Save the lightcurve to file: try: save_file = self.save_lightcurve(lc_corr, output_folder=output_folder) except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): # pragma: no cover status = STATUS.ABORT logger.warning("Correction was aborted (priority=%d)", task['priority']) except: # noqa: E722 pragma: no cover status = STATUS.ERROR logger.exception("Could not save lightcurve file (priority=%d)", task['priority']) # Plot the final lightcurve: if self.plot: fig = plt.figure(dpi=200) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.scatter(lc.time, 1e6*(lc.flux/nanmedian(lc.flux)-1), s=2, alpha=0.3, marker='o', label="Original") ax.scatter(lc_corr.time, lc_corr.flux, s=2, alpha=0.3, marker='o', label="Corrected") ax.set_xlabel('Time (TBJD)') ax.set_ylabel('Relative flux (ppm)') ax.legend() save_figure(os.path.join(self.plot_folder(lc), self.CorrMethod + '_final'), fig=fig) plt.close(fig) # Unpack any errors or warnings that were sent to the logger during the correction: if self.message_queue: error_msg += self.message_queue self.message_queue.clear() if not error_msg: error_msg = None # Update results: t2 = default_timer() details['errors'] = error_msg result.update({ 'corrector': self.CorrMethod, 'status_corr': status, 'elaptime_corr': t2-t1, 'lightcurve_corr': save_file, 'details': details }) return result
[docs] def search_database(self, select=None, join=None, search=None, order_by=None, limit=None, distinct=False): """ Search list of lightcurves and return a list of tasks/stars matching the given criteria. Returned rows are restricted to things not marked as ``STATUS.SKIPPED``, since these have been deemed too bad to not require corrections, they are definitely also too bad to use in any kind of correction. Parameters: select (list of strings or None): List of table columns to return. search (list of strings or None): Conditions to apply to the selection of stars from the database order_by (list, str or None): Column to order the database output by. limit (int or None): Maximum number of rows to retrieve from the database. If limit is None, all the rows are retrieved. distinct (bool): Boolean indicating if the query should return unique elements only. join (list): Table join commands to merge several database tables together. Returns: list: All stars retrieved by the call to the database as dicts/tasks that can be consumed directly by load_lightcurve .. codeauthor:: Rasmus Handberg <> """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) if select is None: select = '*' elif isinstance(select, (list, tuple)): select = ",".join(select) joins = ['INNER JOIN diagnostics ON todolist.priority=diagnostics.priority'] if join is None: pass elif isinstance(join, (list, tuple)): joins += list(join) else: joins.append(join) joins = ' '.join(joins) if search is None: search = '' elif isinstance(search, (list, tuple)): search = "AND " + " AND ".join(search) else: search = 'AND ' + search if order_by is None: order_by = '' elif isinstance(order_by, (list, tuple)): order_by = " ORDER BY " + ",".join(order_by) elif isinstance(order_by, str): order_by = " ORDER BY " + order_by limit = '' if limit is None else " LIMIT %d" % limit query = "SELECT {distinct:s}{select:s} FROM todolist {join:s} WHERE (corr_status IS NULL OR corr_status!={skipped:d}) {search:s}{order_by:s}{limit:s};".format( distinct='DISTINCT ' if distinct else '', select=select, join=joins, skipped=STATUS.SKIPPED.value, search=search, order_by=order_by, limit=limit ) logger.debug("Running query: %s", query) # Ask the database: self.cursor.execute(query) return [dict(row) for row in self.cursor.fetchall()]
[docs] def load_lightcurve(self, task): """ Load lightcurve from task ID or full task dictionary. Parameters: task (integer or dict): Returns: :class:`lightkurve.TessLightCurve`: Lightcurve for the star in question. Raises: ValueError: On invalid file format. .. codeauthor:: Rasmus Handberg <> """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Find the relevant information in the TODO-list: if not isinstance(task, dict) or task.get("lightcurve") is None: if isinstance(task, dict): priority = int(task['priority']) else: priority = int(task) self.cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM todolist INNER JOIN diagnostics ON todolist.priority=diagnostics.priority WHERE todolist.priority=? LIMIT 1;", (priority, )) task = self.cursor.fetchone() if task is None: raise ValueError("Priority could not be found in the TODO list") task = dict(task) # Get the path of the FITS file: fname = os.path.join(self.input_folder, task.get('lightcurve')) logger.debug('Loading lightcurve: %s', fname) # Load lightcurve file and create a TessLightCurve object: if fname.endswith(('.fits.gz', '.fits')): with, mode='readonly', memmap=True) as hdu: # Filter out invalid parts of the input lightcurve: hdu = _filter_fits_hdu(hdu) # Quality flags from the pixels: pixel_quality = np.asarray(hdu['LIGHTCURVE'].data['PIXEL_QUALITY'], dtype='int32') # Corrections applied to timestamps: timecorr = hdu['LIGHTCURVE'].data['TIMECORR'] # Create the QUALITY column and fill it with flags of bad data points: quality = np.zeros_like(hdu['LIGHTCURVE'].data['TIME'], dtype='int32') bad_data = ~np.isfinite(hdu['LIGHTCURVE'].data['FLUX_RAW']) bad_data |= (pixel_quality & TESSQualityFlags.DEFAULT_BITMASK != 0) quality[bad_data] |= CorrectorQualityFlags.FlaggedBadData # Create lightkurve object: lc = TessLightCurve( time=hdu['LIGHTCURVE'].data['TIME'], flux=hdu['LIGHTCURVE'].data['FLUX_RAW'], flux_err=hdu['LIGHTCURVE'].data['FLUX_RAW_ERR'], centroid_col=hdu['LIGHTCURVE'].data['MOM_CENTR1'], centroid_row=hdu['LIGHTCURVE'].data['MOM_CENTR2'], quality=quality, cadenceno=np.asarray(hdu['LIGHTCURVE'].data['CADENCENO'], dtype='int32'), time_format='btjd', time_scale='tdb', targetid=hdu[0].header.get('TICID'), label=hdu[0].header.get('OBJECT'), camera=hdu[0].header.get('CAMERA'), ccd=hdu[0].header.get('CCD'), sector=hdu[0].header.get('SECTOR'), ra=hdu[0].header.get('RA_OBJ'), dec=hdu[0].header.get('DEC_OBJ'), quality_bitmask=CorrectorQualityFlags.DEFAULT_BITMASK, meta={'data_rel': hdu[0].header.get('DATA_REL')} ) # Apply manual exclude flag: manexcl = manual_exclude(lc) lc.quality[manexcl] |= CorrectorQualityFlags.ManualExclude elif fname.endswith(('.noisy', '.sysnoise')): # pragma: no cover data = np.loadtxt(fname) # Quality flags from the pixels: pixel_quality = np.asarray(data[:,3], dtype='int32') # Corrections applied to timestamps: timecorr = np.zeros(data.shape[0], dtype='float32') # Change the Manual Exclude flag, since the simulated data # and the real TESS quality flags differ in the definition: indx = (pixel_quality & 256 != 0) pixel_quality[indx] -= 256 pixel_quality[indx] |= TESSQualityFlags.ManualExclude # Create the QUALITY column and fill it with flags of bad data points: quality = np.zeros(data.shape[0], dtype='int32') bad_data = ~np.isfinite(data[:,1]) bad_data |= (pixel_quality & TESSQualityFlags.DEFAULT_BITMASK != 0) quality[bad_data] |= CorrectorQualityFlags.FlaggedBadData # Create lightkurve object: lc = TessLightCurve( time=data[:,0], flux=data[:,1], flux_err=data[:,2], quality=quality, cadenceno=np.arange(1, data.shape[0]+1, dtype='int32'), time_format='jd', time_scale='tdb', targetid=task['starid'], label="Star%d" % task['starid'], camera=task['camera'], ccd=task['ccd'], sector=2, #ra=0, #dec=0, quality_bitmask=CorrectorQualityFlags.DEFAULT_BITMASK, meta={} ) else: raise ValueError("Invalid file format") # Add additional attributes to lightcurve object: lc.pixel_quality = pixel_quality lc.timecorr = timecorr # Modify the "extra_columns" tuple of the lightkurve object: # This is used internally in lightkurve to keep track of the columns in the # object, and make sure they are propergated. lc.extra_columns = tuple(list(lc.extra_columns) + ['timecorr', 'pixel_quality']) # Keep the original task in the metadata: lc.meta['task'] = task lc.meta['additional_headers'] = fits.Header() if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): with contextlib.redirect_stdout(LoggerWriter(logger, logging.DEBUG)): lc.show_properties() return lc
[docs] def save_lightcurve(self, lc, output_folder=None): """ Save generated lightcurve to file. Parameters: output_folder (str, optional): Path to directory where to save lightcurve. If ``None`` the directory specified in the attribute ``output_folder`` is used. Returns: str: Path to the generated file. .. codeauthor:: Rasmus Handberg <> .. codeauthor:: Mikkel N. Lund <> """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Find the name of the correction method based on the class name: CorrMethod = { 'EnsembleCorrector': 'Ensemble', 'CBVCorrector': 'CBV', 'KASOCFilterCorrector': 'KASOC Filter' }.get(self.__class__.__name__) # Decide where to save the finished lightcurve: if output_folder is None: output_folder = self.input_folder # Get the filename of the original file from the task: fname = lc.meta.get('task').get('lightcurve') if fname.endswith(('.fits.gz', '.fits')): logger.debug("Saving as FITS file") if self.CorrMethod == 'cbv': filename = os.path.basename(fname).replace('-tasoc_lc', '-tasoc-cbv_lc') if self.CorrMethod == 'ensemble': filename = os.path.basename(fname).replace('-tasoc_lc', '-tasoc-ens_lc') if self.CorrMethod == 'kasoc_filter': filename = os.path.basename(fname).replace('-tasoc_lc', '-tasoc-kf_lc') if output_folder != self.input_folder: save_file = os.path.join(output_folder, filename) else: save_file = os.path.join(output_folder, os.path.dirname(fname), filename) logger.debug("Saving lightcurve to '%s'", save_file) # Open the FITS file to overwrite the corrected flux columns: with, fname), mode='readonly') as hdu: # Filter out invalid parts of the input lightcurve: hdu = _filter_fits_hdu(hdu) # Overwrite the corrected flux columns: hdu['LIGHTCURVE'].data['FLUX_CORR'] = lc.flux hdu['LIGHTCURVE'].data['FLUX_CORR_ERR'] = lc.flux_err hdu['LIGHTCURVE'].data['QUALITY'] = lc.quality # Set headers about the correction: hdu['LIGHTCURVE'].header['CORRMET'] = (CorrMethod, 'Lightcurve correction method') hdu['LIGHTCURVE'].header['CORRVER'] = (__version__, 'Version of correction pipeline') # Set additional headers provided by the individual methods: if lc.meta['additional_headers']: for key, value in lc.meta['additional_headers'].items(): hdu['LIGHTCURVE'].header[key] = (value, lc.meta['additional_headers'].comments[key]) # For Ensemble, also add the ensemble list to the FITS file: if self.CorrMethod == 'ensemble' and hasattr(self, 'ensemble_starlist'): # Create binary table to hold the list of ensemble stars: c1 = fits.Column(name='TIC', format='K', array=self.ensemble_starlist['starids']) c2 = fits.Column(name='BZETA', format='E', array=self.ensemble_starlist['bzetas']) wm = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns([c1, c2], name='ENSEMBLE') wm.header['TDISP1'] = 'I10' wm.header['TDISP2'] = 'E26.17' fix_fits_table_headers(wm, { 'TIC': 'TIC identifier', 'BZETA': 'background scale' }) # Add the new table to the list of HDUs: hdu.append(wm) # Write the modified HDUList to the new filename: hdu.writeto(save_file, checksum=True, overwrite=True) # For the simulated ASCII files, simply create a new ASCII files next to the original one, # with an extension ".corr": elif fname.endswith(('.noisy', '.sysnoise')): # pragma: no cover save_file = os.path.join(output_folder, os.path.dirname(fname), os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fname))[0] + '.corr') # Create new ASCII file: with open(save_file, 'w') as fid: fid.write("# TESS Asteroseismic Science Operations Center\n") fid.write("# TIC identifier: %d\n" % lc.targetid) fid.write("# Sector: %s\n" % lc.sector) fid.write("# Correction method: %s\n" % CorrMethod) fid.write("# Correction Version: %s\n" % __version__) if lc.meta['additional_headers']: for key, value in lc.meta['additional_headers'].items(): fid.write("# %-18s: %s\n" % (key, value)) fid.write("#\n") fid.write("# Column 1: Time (days)\n") fid.write("# Column 2: Corrected flux (ppm)\n") fid.write("# Column 3: Corrected flux error (ppm)\n") fid.write("# Column 4: Quality flags\n") fid.write("#-------------------------------------------------\n") for k in range(len(lc.time)): fid.write("%f %.16e %.16e %d\n" % ( lc.time[k], lc.flux[k], lc.flux_err[k], lc.quality[k] )) fid.write("#-------------------------------------------------\n") # Store the output file in the details object for future reference: save_file = os.path.relpath(save_file, output_folder).replace('\\', '/') return save_file